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Hi! So I don't really know how to start these haha. Um so I am the author of this book. This is my first ever book so I hope it is at least decent. I am going to explain some things about this book.

This is a Five x Reader book (Obvi)

You are number eight in The Umbrella Academy.

You also got stuck in the future with Five

Your powers consist of the brain and mind. The first power is telekinesis. But of course, telekinesis comes with two other powers. The other one is telepathy. You can read and talk to people in their minds. The last power is one that I got from a book series.

With your last power, you can access and scramble electrical signals in the brain. This can make people temperately lose their memory (most of the time it's only for a few seconds). You call this rebooting. If you are familiar with the Michael Vey series you probably recognize this as Taylor's powers. So that is where I got the idea from. Full credit to the Michael Vey series for the rebooting power thing!!! I just couldn't think of another power so I used that one from the books. I also totally recommend the Michael Vey series. It's amazing!

When you reboot someone they lose their memory for a good 30 seconds (Ik that sounds boring right now but it will get better late in the book). After 30 seconds their memory comes back.

When something is in italics (like this) it is you talking with someone telepathically or reading their mind. And when something is in bold (like this) it is an Author's note.

I couldn't really think of a title for this book so I got one off of Google lol.

You and Five come back from the future in your 16-year-old bodies. But you still jumped to the future when you all were 13!!

I hope all of this makes sense. Please let me know if it doesn't. I want you all to be able to read this story and not get confused haha. Anyways I hope you all enjoy! I try and update every other day if I can (I spend like 99% of my day on Wattpad bc why not). Also, I will probably throw in some bonus chapters here and there.

Anyways like I said before, I hope you all enjoy!

The Time Traveler's Wife (Book 1) Five x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now