Chapter 18

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One hour later:

Five and I have been looking for answers as to why Dad killed himself for an hour now. We found notebooks about all of us except Vanya. Even though she doesn't have powers I'm surprised he didn't write anything about her. He still experimented on her like the rest of us. I found the notebook earlier that had my number on it. It talked about from the day I first discovered my powers to the day Five and I left. It also mentioned all the experiments and torture Dad put me through. I picked up another notebook and opened the first page.

"Hey look at this," I tell Five while looking at the notebook.

We looked at the first page together. It was titled "Number Five and Number Eight." This must have been a book about just me and Five. I turned the page over and read it out loud.

June 12th, 1997,

It has been a few weeks since I started to let all the kids train together. Number Five and Number Eight have been working together in training. They seem to have the best partnership with each other than anyone else. No surprise there, they have always done everything together. I will have to keep their partnership in mind.

I flip the pages some more.

July 2, 1997,

Number Five and Number Eight have continued to work together. Number Eight is starting to become more confident with her powers. Especially, her rebooting powers, as she likes to call them. During training today Number Eight and Number Five worked together and ended up outsmarting their siblings causing everyone except them to fail. I am going to arrange a private training season with just the two.

I flip the pages again towards the end of the notebook.

January 17th, 2002,

Today Number Five and Number Eight showed great partnership during training. The kids were falling asleep during training this morning so I had them run up the training stairs. Number Five and Number Eight were behind everyone, like always. When everyone was halfway up the stairs Number Eight stopped running. She pulled Number Five back to her and talked to him. I was about to tell them to continue running when I heard people falling. I looked at the other children and saw them looking around confused. Number Eight rebooted them. I then saw a flash of blue light in front of me. Number Eight and Number Five appeared in front of me. They stepped up the last step while their siblings were still halfway down the stairs. Number Two tried to say they cheated but they simply adapted. Number Five has been asking me to time travel. I tell him, no but he keeps asking me. I fear that one day he will attempt to time travel and take Number Eight with him. Their partnership is the best thing that has happened to the team. Number Five and Number Eight have also seemed to be having feelings for each other. So far it has been small gestures like kissing Number Eight's hand or kissing each other's cheek. There could be a possible relationship going on.

I smile as I read that page.

"Well, he wasn't wrong. I did have feelings for you. Obviously. And I did take you to the future with me," Five says with a little laugh.

"Did? What do you mean did? Do you not have feelings for me anymore?" I ask with a playfully smile.

"Of course I still have feelings for you. We are married for fucks sake. You know what I meant," Five says as he playfully punches my shoulder.

October 29th,2002,

I caught Number Five and Number Eight out of bed last night, I saw them outside in the courtyard at midnight practicing fighting. I don't know how I have never noticed but Number Eight is really good at fighting. I watched as she dodged Number Five's punches. Without struggling she pinned him down. Number Five is also really good a fighting. Number Five also dogged a lot of Number Eight's punches and kicks. They could possibly be the best fighters. I will have to keep these skills in mind.

I turn to the last page and we read it. It was the day Five and I got stuck in the future.

November 15th, 2002,

My theory was proven correct today. Number Five did jump to the future and he did take Number Eight. They left during dinner today and haven't come back since. I fear that they are stuck. However, it was their decision and their mistake. I have no doubt that Number Five and Number Eight will not be coming back for a while now. Forever even. I will be putting a picture of them above the mantelpiece in their honor. I will now have to train the kids to not rely on them since they are gone.

We turn to look at the rest of the pages. To no surprise, they were all blank. Five goes to put the book up but I take it from him.

"I wanna keep this," I say as I put it in my blazer.

"But if Luther finds out we took something from Dad's office he will be pissed," Five says.

"Since when did you care about what Luther thinks or does?" I ask.

"I don't. But we don't have time to listen to his shit."

"Yeah well, this notebook isn't about him. It's about us. I mean come on, it will be fun to see what Dad wrote about us."

"Alright," Five says with a small smile. We look at the last notebooks but couldn't find anything about the apocalypse.

"Come on. We aren't going to find anything. Let's just go get everyone else and find a way to stop this thing," Five says.

He helps me up and we leave Dad's office. We walk to Klaus's room to see him laying on his bed trying to knit something. Five knocks on his door and we walk in.

"Hey. Get up. We're going," Five says.

"Where?" Klaus asks as he puts the yarn down.

"To save the world," I say.

"Oh is that all? Great," Klaus says as he grabs a sock.

"So, Pogo said Dad killed himself to get us all back together, right?" Five asks.

"Yeah. So?" Klaus asks, putting on his other sock.

"So it got me thinking. Y/n and I had to jump to the future to figure out when it happened, but Dad, he can't time travel. So how'd the crazy bastard actually know to kill himself a week before the end of the world?" Five asks.

"Well, you know...," Klaus begins to say but I interrupt him.

"Don't answer. That was purely rhetorical," I say.

"Truth is, our whole lives, he's been telling us we'd save the world from an impending apocalypse," Five says.

"Yeah, but I always thought he just said that to scare us into doing the dishes," Klaus tells us.

"Me too," Five and I say at the same time.

"But what if the old man really knew it was going to happen," Five says as he paces around the room.

"Yeah, but knew how?" I ask.

"No idea. But the fact remains, his fakakta plan worked. We all came home. We're here, we might as well save the world."

"Oh yeah? What, like, the three of us?" Klaus asks.

"Uh, well, ideally, no, but... gotta work with what we've got."

Klaus takes a rainbow crop top and puts it on.

"I'm gonna borrow some of your clothes some time," I say as I look at the clothes in Klaus's closet.

"Alright," Klaus says with a laugh.

We all walk out of Klaus's room and suddenly bump into Diego. He runs to his room and puts his knife holders on.

"Where have you been? And where is Allison?" I ask.

"I've been in Jail," Diego simply says. We all give him a confused looked.

"Long story. Where's Luther?" Diego asks.

"Haven't seen him since breakfast," Five says.

"Yeah. Two days until the world ends, he picks a great time to drop off the grid," Klaus says.

"Shit," Diego says. He turns and looks at me.

"Allison is in danger."

Fun Fact (Actually sad fact): The day Five and Y/N jumped to the future, Nine, (Five and Y/N's hamster) passed away. Vanya was the one to find it.

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