Chapter 24

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A/N: I'm gonna change some parts here so it will be slightly different than how it is in the show.


After running for about 20 minutes, we arrive at the Icarus Theater. We all sprint inside and run up the stairs towards the theater. As we go up the stairs the sound of music becomes louder. The concert has started. Allison runs in front of Luther and puts her hand on his chest. We all turn around and look at her. She writes something on her notepad and holds it up. The notepad said, "I need to go alone."

"Wha... Allison, I can't let you do that, all right," Luther says.

He tries to walk past Allison but she stops him.

"She's beyond reasoning," Luther tells Allison.

"You hear the music? It's started," Diego says as he points to the entrance of the theater Vanya is playing in.

"Do you honestly think she's gonna listen? After everything that's happened?" Luther asks.

"We don't have time for this," Klaus says.

"I'll go with her," I say.

"No, absolutely not," Luther says.

"You're staying here Y/N," Diego tells me.

"I agree. She's too powerful," Klaus says.

"Guys we are running out of time! I am going with her. She won't hurt us. If anything happens I can reboot her," I say.

The boys look at each other.

"Okay," Luther says.

I grab Allison's hand and we run into the theater. When we walk inside the loud sound of music fills our ears. The whole theater was full of people dressed up in dresses and tuxedos. I look around the stage for Vanya. Allison taps my shoulder and points to her. She was sitting in the front row of the orchestra. We walk up the aisle towards the stage. I was mesmerized by how much talent Vanya has. As we continue to walk towards the stage everyone stares at us. I look at Allison and see she is just as mesmerized as I am. The music of the orchestra dies down and Vanya starts playing her solo. As she was playing she looks at me and Allison, letting us get a good look at her face. Her skin was pale and her eyes were blue and white. Allison and I give her a smile and she gives us one back. I could tell how proud Allison was of Vanya. Both of our smiles soon fade away when we see Luther and Diego running towards Vanya. Vanya sees them and throws a big blast of energy at them. Luther and Diego fly off the stage while the crowd screams and leaves the theater. The orchestra players try to leave but Vanya blasts another soundwave at them, causing them all to sit back down and continue to play. The theater fills with the sounds of people yelling. Vanya walks to the middle of the stage and continues to play. She throws a third soundwave, causing the crowd to scream louder. Allison and I hide behind one of the rows of chairs and watch as everyone leaves the theater. Luther and Diego hide behind the row of chairs across us and talk to each other. Allison picks up a bag that was left on the floor and throws it at Luther.

"Yeah. We're fine, thanks for asking," Luther says.

We both give him a 'seriously?' look.

"Look, I almost lost you once, all right? I wasn't about to lose you again. And I wasn't going to let Y/n get hurt."

"Well, so much for the element of surprise. What else you go?" Diego asks Luther.

Allison looks up at the stage where Vanya is. Vanya continues to play as an energy barrier starts to surround her. Allison taps on my shoulder and points to Luther and Diego.

"GUYS," I yell.

Luther and Diego look over at Allison and me. Allison starts to mimic playing the violin.

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