Chapter 15

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Five and I are currently having lunch with The Handler. She only had one extra chair so I ended up having to sit on Five's lap. I am guessing she was planning on asking just him to lunch so that's why I don't have a seat. She has been talking about some guy named Phil for the past 15 minutes. Honestly, I haven't even been paying attention. I was just trying to think of some excuse to cut this lunch short.

"And that's how Phil determined that the archduke just had to go. Care for dessert?" The Handler asks as she finished her drink.

"We had a bad Twinkie in the apocalypse once. It kind of put us off desserts," I say.

"Please, indulge me."

Five grabs a piece of candy from a bowl and splits it in half. He hands one half to me and takes the other. We both put them in our mouths and chew on the candy.

"What's that taste like to you?"

"The 1950s?" Five asks.

"Precisely right. Our clever metaphysics division concocted a way to perfectly distill an entire decade into a single candy." 

The Handler takes a piece of candy from the bowl and puts it in her mouth.

"This one's modeled after the Fudge Mutt, America's favorite in 1955."

"Remarkable," Five says.

"You'll be happy to know it's the very division that's building your new bodies. Oh, that reminds me. I have something for two."

"But we already told you. We don't want new bodies. We are fine in these," I try to tell her, but she doesn't listen.

"Carla?" She asks into an intercom on her desk.


"Would you bring the boxes in, please?"


A few seconds later a lady walks into the office with two boxes. She puts them in front of Five and me and then leaves the room. We just stare at the box not knowing what to do.

"Go ahead. Open it," The Handler says. 

Five hands me my box and he grabs his. We open the boxes and look inside. Inside were clothes. Speciafficly clothes that would fit our older bodies. Five's had a suit in his and I had a dress.

"Clothes make the man, Five. And the woman Eight. Won't it be nice when you can actually wear it? Very soon, I assure you. They're perfecting your bodies as we speak!"

I was about to tell her again that we are fine in these bodies but Five says something before I can.

"Thank you. It's a very kind gift."

"Seriously? We agreed we don't want our old bodies back. That we want to stay in our younger ones so we can start over and have a family," I tell Five telepathically.

"I know, but she won't listen. I wanna stay in these too, but for now we just have to do what she says and build her trust."

I look around the room trying to find something to talk about.

"Is that a Chinese flamethrower?" I ask.

"Good eye," The Handler says as she gets up. 

I get off of Five's lap and we follow behind her.

"War. Such a fascinating concept. A temporary salve for a permanent human flaw. Course, it's a bit easier to see from 30,000 feet. These are just some of the things I've collected in my travels. M26 grenades from the Vietnam War."

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