Chapter 7

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Akela's PoV (same day)

I woke up still lying on the comfy bed I fell asleep my body was free of any pain and for the first time in my life I felt comfortable.

I then heard the door open My head perked up to see the Raven haired man from before enter the room the scent of food made me get up and jump of the bed.

He set two bowls on the floor I went up to them and sniffed one was filled with water and the other was filled with the same meet from before I quickly ate all the food and licked the bowl afterwards I then gulped some water.

My stomach was full I yawned feeling tired so I jumped up on the bed and fell back to sleep.

Meanwhile with the avengers

All the avengers where in the living room of the compound when fury walked in he looked angry his arm was now in a cast with a sling he had several agents follow behind him

"I want that thing put down immediately" fury seethed

"What you can't do that" Loki shouted which shocked the avengers

"I can and I am" fury told him

"Agents secure the wolf and bring her to lab A" fury demanded they all ran off fury followed behind them

Loki turned to all the avengers he couldn't believe non of them said anything they stood there.

"Your not going to stop them" Loki shouted

"Look reindeer games....." Tony tried to say

"Shut up if your not going to do anything then I will" Loki shouted as he ran out the room

"Loki" Thor shouted

"He's going to get himself killed" Tony said

Loki ran out the room he couldn't let her be killed so he ran a different direction he needed to get there before fury and the agents to his luck he did.

He was relieved when he saw that he got there before them he stepped closer to Akela's cell to see her sleeping peacefully on the bed.

He went over and opened the cell stepping him closing the door behind him he managed to spell the cell using his limited powers so that no one could enter he wasn't sure how long he could hold the spell for but he was willing to hold it for as long as he could.

Loki turned around to see her staring at him with her golden eyes she seemed calm and relaxed.

"I'm not going to let them hurt you" Loki said aleka tilted her head

Loki stood there when he heard footsteps coming towards them then fury came in with numerous agents fury spotted Loki in the cell

"Open the cell now" fury demanded one of the agents tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge.

"It won't open Sir" the agent said then the avengers came into the room.

"What do you mean it won't open" fury said as he tried opening it his self when he couldn't he looked at Loki who had a smirk on his face

"What have you done" fury shouted at Loki then Thor stepped forward checking out the cell.

"My brothers placed a spell on it the door won't open unless he removes the spell" Thor said

"How can be do magic with the dampener on" Steve asked

"It doesn't get rid of his magic completely it just limits what he can do" Tony explained

"He won't be able to hold the spell forever he will eventually pass out I give it about 2 days until the spell drops" Thor said taking a look at his brother

"Then we wait until then that's if the wolf doesn't get to him first especially when she wouldn't have eaten" fury said

"I want one of you with him at all times" he said to the avengers

"Yes sir" Steve said

End of chapter

Sorry for the short chapter the next will be longer I promise

Akela (Avengers x wolf)Where stories live. Discover now