Chapter 15

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(1 week later)

Akela's PoV 

I woke up weak and unable to stand up due to having only one meal since I was thrown in here the only person I have seen since is the person who brought my only meal.

I laid there curled up due to the cold I was shivering and being underweight didn't help

"Hey girl " I heard a whisper I uncurled my self and saw a boy at the cell door I took a look at him and he seemed familiar somehow.

He looked at me through the bars and pulled something out of his pocket at threw it to me it landed in front of me I leaned forwards and sniffed it i instantly grabbed it and swallowed it whole.

"You probably don't remember me but I met you as a pup" he said 

"You where so tiny when I met you I snuck in and held you everyday for a month until my dad found out and i wasn't aloud to come here anymore" he said I sat there listening to him speak

"Daryl" a stern voice said and a man appeared I recognised him he was one of the leaders men 

"Dad" the boy said 

"What are you doing down here" the man said 

"I just wanted to see her" the boy said 

"I've told you before your not allowed she's very important and the boss has big plans for her" the man said 

"But dad she looks sick" the boy said the man took a glance at me then back at the boy 

"Look I'm sure she's fine if the boss find you down here he will punish you again and I don't want to see that daryl" the man sighed 

"But what their doing to her is wrong" the boy said 

"Don't argue with me son get back upstairs" the man said 

"But" the boy started started but the man cut him off

"No buts upstairs now" the man told him 

"Fine" the boy huffed he looked at me and then walked off leaving the man standing there 

I whined at him hoping he would maybe give me some food or water he looked at me.

"Shut up mutt" he sneered and walked off I shivered and curled back up letting sleep over come me.

3 hours later

I heard footsteps approaching my cell until the boy appeared at the bars again he crouched down and pulled a bag out of his pocket.

"I've brought some food" he said and reached his out through the bar and tossed me some meat I could barely move but it was close enough for me to crawl to it and eat it.

"What do you think you are doing boy" someone shouted the boy looked scared as he turned his heard towards the voice 

"I I was just giving her some food" the boy stuttered 

"And did I tell you to feed her" the boy shook his head 

"No sir" the boy said 

"You know what happened before when I found you with her obviously your punishment wasn't enough" the man said 

"So I'm gonna have to punish you again" the man said 

"No please I'm sorry sir" the boy cried 

"You should have thought about that before going against my orders" the man said 

"Please I'm sorry" the boy cried again the man grabbed the boys arm and dragged him from the cells and disappeared out of view

No PoV 

Daryl was dragged from the cells and was pulled towards a room and shoved in.

"Thomas come to my office now" the man said into a wallow talkie daryl stood there scared hoping his dad would stop this 

After a couple of minutes daryls dad walked into the room he looked at daryl then back at his boss 

"whats wrong boss" Thomas asked looking at his son 

"I'll tell you what's wrong your son snuck into the cells and decided to feed the wolf when i specifically told no one to go near her" the boss said daryl looked down at his feet 

"I can't let this go unpunished Thomas he need to learn to not disobey me and follow the rules like everybody else" the boss told his dad 

"I understand sir do what you have to" his dad said daryl looked at his dad in shock his dad was really going to let this happen 

"I glad you agree take him to the basement I'll meet you there" his dad nodded and approched daryl taking his arm and led him out if the room

"Dad please" daryl begged as he was being dragged 

"Dad" daryl cried 

They soon approached the basement daryl dug his feet into the ground and tried getting out of his dad's grip but it was no use as he was pushed through the door 

"Dad please don't let him do this" daryl begged again

"This was your in fault I told you not to go near that damn wolf and you decided to completely ignore me" his dad shouted 

"Now you will take whatever punishment the boss gives you" his dad told him before the door opened and the boss stepped in 

"Thomas you may go" the boss said his dad took one last look at daryl before walking out of the room shutting the door behind him

"Now you punishment" the boss said and unbuckled his belt and wrapped it around his hand 

"Take off your top" he said daryl hesitantly took off his top 

"Turn around and put your hands on the wall" daryl slowly done what he was told 

"Now I'm going to whip you 10 times and I want you to count" he said Daryl stood there bracing his self for the hit he then felt the belt his his back daryl cried out in pain 

"One" he whimpered then another hit came 

"Two" he cried he felt something drip down his back 

After the tenth hit he crumpled to the floor he was in so much pain he could barely stand he leaned against the wall he had tears and snot running down his face 

"Thomas take your son to his room and lock the door" the boss said 

He heard the door open he didn't look up he could no longer look at the man he called his dad he heard for steps approach him and felt a hand on his shoulder he knew it was his dad he.

He flinched away and shoved his dad's hand off him and stood up struggling while doing so he then slowly limp out of the room and towards his own he heard his dad following him 

"Daryl" his dad called daryl ignored him and continued walking until he reached his door he stepped in and slammed the door shut behind him and and laid down on his stomach and cried into the sheets.

Thomas stood outside his sons room listening to his sons cries he couldn't get the image off his son's bloodied body from his mind.

1 Hour later

Daryl finished crying and stood up and slowly walked to the bathroom he decided to take a shower and wash all the blood off.

He took his clothes off and stepped into the shower turning the water on his skin burned as the water touched his skin and looked Down to see the water turning red as it was going Down the drain"

After he finished he put on a pair off joggers and a tshirt which scratched against the open wounds he took some painkillers and laid down on his bed and once the pain eased he fell asleep 



Akela (Avengers x wolf)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora