07: Closer Pt.1

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I spent days searching the house for my lost necklace, I had come to the hopeless conclusion of just assuming it would be at Dallas's or buried in the soil we raced through.

Luckily no one else had noticed the necklace was on my neck and now it wasn't, what they had noticed was my frequent looking. Natalie had come to me asking what I was looking for a million times. I couldn't tell her it was the necklace it would break her heart, she prized mom's things so much. Her trust for me would be gone, I knew it would she had trusted me with a necklace that she loved.

Meanwhile during that time, people had been coming in and out of the house all helping prepare for the event. I had hoped that with everyone here, someone might casually find the necklace, but no one had. And I had already searched the whole house, this necklace was no where to be found. And the conclusion that it was at Dallas's scared me, who knows where it is now.

"Melly, I ordered pizza for everyone, can you get it", she said, as she handed me the cash for the order and the doorbell rang perfectly on time.

Thank god she had ordered pizza, it was an excuse for me to disappear maybe test out my ladder. Everyone was here, assistants, party planners, Avery, Allison, Caroline, when I say everyone was here, I meant everyone.

I opened the door, holding the cash in my hand, as I looked at the poor pizza guy, balancing an umbrella along with the boxes that towered high.

The rain came down hard behind him, and he initiated for me take the boxes.

"Oh I'm sorry", I said, taking the boxes and he took the wad of cash, Natalie had given.

"Have a nice day", he said, as I thanked him, and he ran to his car with the umbrella shielding him from the rain.

I watched the rain pour heavily as it just increased more and more. I shut the door, knowing I couldn't get some air tonight, instead I could turn the lights off and the only sound I would need tonight is the rain.

I put the pizza boxes on the table, as I saw Natalie bring the plates to the side.

"I'm heading to my room", I told her and she nodded her head, grabbing a slice on a plate and handing it off to me.

I fled to my room, with the plate in my hand as I watched everyone else rush to the boxes, these people would be here all night, the never ending coffee was a big hint.

I shut the door to my room, escaping the sound that echoed throughout the whole house, except my room. I sat the pizza on my bed and opened my curtains, watching the rain fall against the window.

The peace, the calming sound of the rain almost deafened me into hearing the pebbles that ricocheted off my window.

I panicked, I grabbed my phone, ready to call Natalie as I peered over the beam, trying to get a look at who it was.

It was Dallas, absolutely soaked in the rain I moved closer to get a good look and our eyes were lost in the weird understanding this had come too.

I opened the window, as I saw him watching my hands and I leaned over the ledge.

"What are you doing here?", I yelled across the powerful rain that pelted down. And he was caught in the storm, I couldn't even tell if he could hear me across the loud rain.

"Are you gonna let me in?", he yelled across the rain, and I extended the ladder that Natalie had just gotten in time for this specific moment.

He climbed up the ladder, as I backed away from the entrance, watching him fight against the rain as he pulled himself up.

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