17: Never-Ending Navy Blue Pt.2

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The next morning, everyone had asked me if I was okay, they stemmed that question from my puffy eyes that were very red, and I mentioned that it was a book, that's what they had all guessed. Books were the one thing that would ruin me to tears.

Dallas hadn't come down yet, and from last night l,  had figured that maybe he was still sleeping and he went to sleep late.

The ending of his book shattered me to pieces, I wanted to rake Dallas's father's brain about the ending, about the characters' change into their  newly formed intense rise into love.

I couldn't stop thinking about the book, there was something about a book that could make you feel joy and sadness in the ending at the very same time, it was that lounging feeling like I was wasting my breath on life in general.

And as I tried to concentrate on the book in front of me, it was a novel I had stored in my bookshelf and I had never gotten around to reading it, I couldn't concentrate. I couldn't focus, knowing the best thing I had ever read was upstairs sitting in my drawer.

And as I was looking back at the house, I saw Dallas come down the stairs, and it seemed he was determined to do something.

His phone was in a plastic baggy, as he approached Paris.

"Oh are you going into town?" Natalie asked, and Dallas's mind was averted as he took the keys off of the key holder.

"Melody" she shouted out to me, but I was already paying attention.

"You should take Mel with you, she's been saying she wants to go out and see the city", Natalie said, as my eyes aligned with Dallas's. I was embarrassed now that he had seen me crying, at least it was a book and not a nightmare. I approached the patio they all sat on, looking over at Dallas.

I could never read him as much as everybody else. Did he want me to come? Did he want some company? Or would he rather go alone? Dallas's manor and persona told me he wanted to go alone, he liked the peace and serenity of not talking much.

I didn't like the silence, it drove me mad, I liked constant sounds, laughter, tears even and voices. The silence left too much room for thinking, for Daniel to creep in, but I would respect his need for silence.

So as the parents all saw us out, I opened the car door and got in as Dallas climbed into the driver seat.

"How come your dad didn't publish the book you gave me?" I asked, needing to know the answer, as he pulled out of the driveway. I know I had said I would respect his silence but there were more times for this silence, not now.

"He didn't want to for many reasons", he tried saying, hiding the truth under the 'many reasons' category. I knew not to pry further.

"I think everyone needs to read this book, I couldn't put it down last night and the ending is so captivating", I said, as he smiled. He took each success to the book and everything I had said about it as a personal gain for him.

The silence flowed through the car between us, but it wasn't really silent. It was filled with the pumping radio, and the wind flowing in and out the open windows.

We arrived at the cell repair shop as he grabbed his plastic bag, with glass shards floating around the bottom of it and his poor stranded cell phone in the bag.

And for the next 30 minutes, he tried to get them to fix his lost cause phone, which essentially had more damage than it looked. The repair guy said that some board was crushed and beyond repairable.

"I'm not waiting 5 fucking hours for a new phone", he muttered into the air, closer to me but I knew it wasn't meant for me.

"When we have your phone sir, we'll call on her phone that it's ready, just be patient", the repair guy said, as I gave my number to him. We walked out of the repair shop, as I headed to the car.

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