16: Never-Ending Navy Blue Pt.1

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The night ended in cheers of happiness at the house, but Dallas was missing from the action. As soon as we had gotten to the house he had taken off to the stairs, going to check on his person, supposedly not his girlfriend.

Who else could it be?

"I'm happy Dallas went with you", Nolan silently thanked me for listening to him. Now Nolan thanked me for hanging out with a boy, this was new. I whispered Goodnight to Nolan, as Natalie was already fast asleep and made my way upstairs. Muting the noises that came from each floor, it couldn't get any more creepier.

But my floor was by far the creepiest, muffled sounds echoed the room and as I knocked on the door of Dallas's room.

"Dallas, are you okay?" I asked, putting my ear up against the door. I couldn't hear much, except the voices of two individuals this was different he wasn't on the phone this time.

"I'm fine, Mel", he said, slipping away from the word Bambi.

I felt like he said the word 'fine' many times, but he never really meant it. The word was so vague.

There was another voice that grabbed my attention, as I heard their shoes coming closer to the door. I backed away.

"Melody, excuse me". His voice spoke like rubble, he was drunk off something I could tell as the smell of liquor filled his breath and he went down the stairs.

"Are you okay?" I went into Dallas's room knowing he was afraid of him, afraid of that horrible man, I would be too.

"I'm okay", this was new, he said looking over his shoulder as I looked at his shadows, but I couldn't see his eyes. The tickle in his voice, had to be from the tears that I assumed were falling against his cheek. I wish he would let me get closer, but his room seemed so cold, almost that it comforted him.

"I'll go", I said, hearing the sniffle that came from him, as I stood in the silence and he sat on the other side of the bed, looking up at the now opened window he had.

I shut the door behind me, slowly just so that he could sit somber in his silence. I opened my own door, taking off the dress, loathing the book tucked into my sheets. I grabbed the book searching through the pages I had stopped on.

Loud noises always startled me, the sound of glass shattering made me flinch and the book I had held tightly now fell out of my hands. I ran out of my room, hearing his constant swearing, before I said a word.

"Dallas", I said, to the door, by the silence from floors below us it had seemed nobody had heard such a thing, not his yelling or the shattering of glass.

"Are you okay?" I tried asking but he kept swearing, he kept yelling.

"Dallas", I said louder, this time over his swears and he was then silent.

"Do you have any glass on you?" I asked, knowing he didn't want to answer any questions at all. But I just wanted to make sure he was safe.

"No" he said, with his brute and careless voice, his tone instructed he was pissed, the word didn't even cover how he felt in this exact moment.

"Dallas?" I ask, just wanting to make sure he was still there as our silence had gone on for too long. I felt his back up against the door, as it adjusted.

"Yes" his voice was so close, I could feel the vibrations of it through the door.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, wanting to know what had happened, and what had made him so angry.

But no response came from him, so I did the one thing I knew how to do. Read along the pages.

I grabbed my notebook, and a pen, and returned back to his door. I tore a page out and wrote with little boxes.

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