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tw: violence

Bexley figured that because she hadn't gone to check on JJ at his house, going to the boneyard was the least she could do. She felt partially responsible for it even happening. Maybe Rafe was mad at her. She didn't know what for. Maybe he just really, really didn't like pogues.

And JJ seemed as pogue as one could get.

Bexley wanted to look nice if she was going to the beach. She considered wearing the skirt Sarah had given her. But it was white, she would ruin it. It was just a party at the beach, she shouldn't dress up too much, right? She decided just to put on her normal shorts, and maybe a nicer top.

"Shit," she muttered, lowly as she realized she left her shorts at the Cameron household the day before. She considered going and getting them. But then she thought about Rafe. She didn't want to run into him.

Everyone was right, he did seem crazy. Worse than she thought.

Her mind fell back to the fight.

"Shit!" she said, again, holding her hands on her head, gripping her hair.

What had she done? Did she cause that fight? She ran through what happened again and again. She couldn't think of what she did to upset him.

She thought her and Rafe had bonded the day before, at the golf course. What happened?

And Mr. Cameron didn't let her clean. She didn't make any money today at all. Whose to say that wouldn't happen more often? Maybe she needed that new job sooner than she thought.

"Fuck..." she mumbled, remembering Rafe's phone number was put down for her position. Why had she been so stupid? He'd probably hold it against her now.

She took a deep breath.

She'd worry about that later. She should be excited for a party. Her first real party.

With her first real...crush.

Honestly, she didn't even know if she was allowed to have a crush. Her mother never really talked to her about boys much. She didn't think she'd get in trouble for going out to see a guy.

Maybe she would if her mother knew she was trying to dress up for him.

Bexley had other shorts. They didn't fit her as nicely as the ones she left at the Cameron's, but that wasn't what she was most worried about.

What she really wanted to do was apologize to JJ.

But she also really wanted him to think she looked nice.

"Bexy?" called her mother, knocking on her door.

"One minute." Bexley sighed deeply, before finishing getting dressed and stepping out.

"Where are you going?" her mother asked, seeing her outfit.

"I'm going out," she told her, briskly. Maybe if she walked out fast, she wouldn't have to answer as many questions.


"Out with a friend," she tried to say, casually.

"The boy who was here?" Rafe.

Bexley cringed. "God, no." She walked to the front door.

"Will you be late?"

"Yeah," Bexley told her, plainly. "Don't wait up for me, alright?"

"Where are you going?" she asked again.

"The beach, mom," Bexley told her. "There's food on the stove I made for you. Make sure to take your pills before you go to sleep."

ROCK BOTTOM ~ Rafe Cameron // OC // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now