Chapter 52

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Lyde and I sit together in the back seat of the SUV that picked us up from the airport. The sun is setting, and I am entirely exhausted, but my excitement to see David keeps me awake.

Bonny flew home to Argentina from Germany, so without Jeremy, it is only the two of us returning. The decision to leave without Jeremy was out of my hands, but my guilt lingers and sours in my stomach. He left us, yet I feel the opposite. David is still unaware of everything—especially regarding Maybe Baby—but any moment now I'll be free to tell him each and every detail. We're nearing our territory, only ten or so minutes away.

"Lyde," I say, looking from the window, "I just want to thank you for coming with me."

Her eyes open and shift to me before closing again. She adjusts in her seat. "Of course, Brigette."

"I'm really happy to have you as our Third."

A smile twitches on her face. "Thanks."

"And don't worry, I will take full responsibility for everything that happened. I decided to leave David out of things, and if he's upset, I'll make sure he knows you simply did as I asked."

"Oh, I know."

My little laugh fills the silence of the car. "I mean, it could have gone worse."

"You could have attacked the Alpha. For a moment there, I thought you might."

"I'm better suited for verbal fighting, I think. That's why I have David; he's my muscle."

"I see," she says. "Then it's a good thing Alpha Dreier is smarter than Nicodra was."

"Thank the Goddess."

When we arrive, Lyde is dropped off first. Her home isn't far from mine, however, I find it difficult to sit still as we coast through the town. I've been restless ever since the plane landed, and once the car stops in front of the house, I hurry inside while my luggage is carried for me. The front door is unlocked as usual, and I scan each room until I reach the kitchen. Helena is sat at the kitchen counter with a mug of tea and a novel as thick as my fist.

Her face beams at the sight of me. "Oh, dear, it's you! You're home! How was—"

"Think my baby is okay," I quickly update her then ask, "Where's David? He's not home?"

She juggles my news and says, "No, he's not. H-he's at the fields, I believe. Go! We'll talk later."

"Okay," I breathe and head back the way I came.

The last strips of sunset fade behind the trees as night consumes the sky. Despite my path being shadowed, I make my way along the road alone. I know the pack land as well as my old one by now, and not even the night can confuse me.

My feet move with an unconscious speed—even my body knows it's time to reunited with my mate; a need as basic as eating and sleeping. I'll have to call my mom as well to let her know that my trip went fine, and I suppose if Maybe Baby holds on, I'll be telling her much more exciting news very soon. I don't know what she'll think about me having a baby so early on, but I know she'll be supportive on the outside. I'll have to tell Lindsey as well—it feels like forever since we've last spoken—so maybe a trip to my old pack is overdue.

This time I will wait until David can accompany me. If I see this pregnancy through, I won't be taking any solo trips, that's for sure.

I come upon the fields that are near empty by now. The only people left stand in a small group to the side, speaking casually to one another. I notice Tarlo first as he stands with his back to me, but he then steps aside.

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