2 Magical Uno

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"Holy shi-" Killua's eyes snapped over to a guy, who was watching from behind a building. He unwrapped his yoyo and slipped it back into his pocket. Then kicked the body. "Kinda wish that was harder to be honest" he muttered, slipping his hands into his pockets. And then, he heard cheering. Killua glanced over his shoulder with wide eyes to see the two adults and some more kids outside. The fuck? It wasn't like they were all that dangerous or anything. He frowned slightly down at the body, then out into the distance. Are these people considered 'strong' around here? "Hey kid, what was your name again?" The old man asked, walking over with a smile. He shrugged, "Killua" He clasped Killua's hands in his own, which he would have snapped at him for if this wasn't the person who could help him find out where the hell he was. "Father Orsi" The nun came up beside him with a sweet smile, "I'm Sister lily"

Killua was now sitting at a kitchen table, blinking at the feast. "We made 10 different styles of Nomotatos" there was sliced, baked, fried, mashed, and a whole bunch else he couldn't figure out. This is a lot of food. "Alright I guess" He stabbed a fork into one and tasted it. He blinked. It's so...dry. But it was food, and he was hungry. He actually tried a little bit of each application and found that he really liked the fried version. "So" He asked, crossing his legs and settling back in his chair. The entire 'family' that lived there was eating. "Is there a sort of leader with really high status I can go talk to or something?" The kid named Nash rolled his eyes. "As if you'd be able to get an audience with the wizard king" Killua couldn't help the snort that escaped. He coughed a few times to hide it, then rubbed the back of his head. "S-Sorry, it's just..." He sighed. "Everything I'm hearing about here sounds like it's from children's fantasy. I mean, wizards? Mages? Demons? Kingdoms?"

Then he frowned slightly. "Anyways. Is there a way I could possibly meet him? Or someone close?" Sister lily thought for a moment. "Well the magic knight's exam is in a few weeks, all the squad captains will be there-" That peeked his interest. "Exam you say?" She nodded. Killua let an eager glint show in his eyes. "if you pass said 'magic knight's exam' do I get some sort of license? Or maybe... a status around here?" Father Orsi nodded. "You get to become a magic knight, and join one of the squads-" Nash scowled. "You won't get in! you don't even have a grimoire" He resisted the urge to shoot a glare at the little brat. "Who the hell needs one of those books? What do they even do?" Sister lily's eyes widened. "Do you not have those where you come from either?" He shook his head. "How do you enhance your magic?" Killua blinked, then looked up with a slightly furrowed brow. "Ma-gic? Magic? Are you serious?"

One of the kids who had short brown hair gasped. "You never heard of magic?!" He rolled his eyes. "Magic isn't real, it's fantasy" Nash scoffed and summoned a small fire in his hand. "does this look fake to you?" He blinked, then frowned slightly. Isn't it just Nen- he froze. Wait a minute... he activated Gyo, then his eyebrows raised. That's not Nen, but there's still power radiating off of him. "Interesting" He held two fingers about an inch apart and summoned some electricity. "Wait" Father Orsi pointed at him. "If you say magic isn't real, how can you use it?" He shook his head. "it aint 'magic' it's called Nen. You have to train to get it, takes a few months, years even to master" He squinted a little at the small flame. "Well that sure as hell aint Nen, I don't sense any in you. Actually, in anyone near here" He drummed his fingers on the table. "hey Sister, can you try forcing some of that magic power of yours to go to your eyes? I wanna test something"

She blinked, then seemed to focus. Killua used Gyo again and saw that she was trying. If I can see this 'magic' with Gyo, maybe someone with it can see my Nen. So he held up a finger, then made a number. Her eyes went wide. "3?" The rest of the people looked downright confused, until the little boy Nash tried it. "Wait, how? What-" He snickered and held his hands apart, then made some letters. 'You can see Nen with magic, pretty cool right?' "I can see the magic radiating off you by using Gyo, which is the technique I just taught you. I'm surprised you guys can hold it so easily after minimal instruction, although magic isn't quite Nen so it might have different properties" Things were starting to get interesting.

A few days passed, he spent some time in a sort of school in the village to learn more about this place. He got weird looks from the other kids, who were like really young, but that didn't really matter to him. One day after class he got tapped on the shoulder by a teacher. "Hey you" He blinked, then glanced back. "Yeah?" She crossed her arms. "you're not with your proper age group-" Sister lily came up behind him. "Actually he's supposed to be here" her eyebrows raised. "That du-" Killua shot her a glare. "I am not dumb, I'm not just from around here damn it! I don't even need to go to school anymore!" Killua scowled. "surely you should know-"Sister lily interrupted again. "he's from across the sea actually, and magic isn't really common from where he comes from" that was the plausible lie they had come up with, if people knew that he was different he'd probably get dissected or something. "Oh" the woman looked ashamed of herself. "Actually I'm going to take the fucking magic knight exams thank you very much" he snapped in anger. "So I need to learn shit and actually know what a fucking Grimoire does."

"..." Fuck I think I said too much. Killua shoved passed her and out the door, then made his way back over to the church. Honestly it felt kind of peaceful here, kind of like whale island. Just as he was approaching, he heard something zoom by. Killua's eyes snapped up to see someone standing on a broom, he had amber eyes and messy black hair. Coupled with a blankish expression. I heard people flew on brooms but...damn. He wasn't just flying, he was standing effortlessly. I kinda wish I could do that. "You" Killua paused, looking up again. "Need something?" he asked, slight irritation coloring his tone. The guy had some sort of tanish robe cloak thing on, and he flew down to be a few meters from him. "What business do you have at the church?" He rolled his eyes. "Listen idiot-" Suddenly there was a small feminine voice. "Hey! Yuno's not an idiot!" He blinked, "The hell-" a small fairy looking creature scowled out from his robe.

"Why the hell do you care anyways? Are you some sort of noble or something with that fancy cloak of yours" he said sarcastically, with a fake half bow. "Oh dear me, sorry for my upmost insolence" 'Yuno' blinked, then his eyes narrowed slightly. "Do you not recognize this robe?" He blinked, then squinted at it. "Am I supposed to?" He shrugged, then slipped his hands into his pockets. "Anyways, I'm hungry and honestly those Nomotato things are addicting-" He was stopped just short of entering the door by a wall of spiraling wind. Oh for fuck's sake- "ASSHOLE!" he hollered. There were footsteps. "Killua? What's all that noi-" Father Orsi's eyes widened when he opened the door to see Killua yelling at Yuno, who was blocking the door with his magic while flying on his broom. "FUCK YOU DAMN IT! WHY THE HELL DO YOU EVEN CARE?"

He growled as Yuno gave him a blank stare. "You never told me what you were doing at the church brat" He felt a tick mark appear on his forehead. "Get the fuck down here and fight me in hand to fucking hand combat so I can BEAT YOUR ASS!" He flicked his yoyo out, whipping around and latching onto the broom. Yuno showed a faint expression of surprise as he was unable to escape. "W-" He yanked downwards causing the broom to crash into the ground, Yuno jumped off of it and made some sort of wind spear- "Stop fighting you two!" Sister lily stepped between them, and Yuno paused. Killua puffed his cheeks out in a frustrated breath. "I wanted to beat his ass" Sister lily held up a hand. "Killua, this is Yuno. Yuno, this is Killua" He rolled his eyes. "What's so great 'bout Uno here?" Yuno shot him a small glare. "It's Yu-" He put his hands behind his head. "Yeah Yeah I hear ya Uno, now get the FUCK out of my way so I can have some Nomotatos"

He licked his lips a little and Sister lily gave Yuno an apologetic smile. "Killua's been staying with us for a few days-" Suddenly Nash scowled out from behind the door. "What's taking you so long! We're waiting on you" He shot a glare at Nash, who had taken to irritating. "Listen here you little shit, it was not my plan to be standing out here for so long. But Mr. Windy bitch here had other plans" Nash's eyes snapped over to Yuno and he smiled. "Oh, Yuno's back" He scowled. "I already hate him. What's so great about Uno the emotionless" I'm so great at insults. Nash rolled his eyes. "He's a magic knight"

1648 words

To be continued...

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