10 Lazy ass baptism

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"ALRIGHT!" Magna yelled, the entire squad was standing outside the hideout by now and it was time for his 'baptism by fire' thing. Killua kept a level head and expression. "Alright! If you want to wear the robe of the black bulls you have to complete every task I give you!" He blinked. "Sure" not that it really meant much to him, the damn thing was so not his style. "First I wanna see your physical strength! 5000 pushups!" he blinked. "Alright" He dropped his bag, then started going. It took a while but he went moderately fast, you know not to give away his full strength just yet. "5000 crunches!" He did that as well, slightly faster because this was dragging out. There was a boulder he had to lift, Killua was so done at this point. He sighed, then lifted his fingers under it. There were murmurs of approval as he lifted it with a single hand. "Are we done yet?"

Magna chuckled. "break it" He sighed again, then aimed a punch. The thing shattered, and there were gasps and mutters. "Well damn, he's better then when Asta first joined" someone muttered. Asta was watching him with wide sparkling eyes, like he was the coolest thing in the world. Killua stiffened slightly, then averted his gaze. "Woah! His stamina and strength are off the charts! Too bad magic's all that matters" Luck said. That is absolute bullshit, you don't need Nen or Magic to accomplish great things. It's pretty fucked up around here. "Last test" Killua stood in a ready stance as Magna spoke. "Using any skills, whether magic or ordinary" He narrowed his eyes slightly. "You have to block or evade my attack" Easy. Killua said nothing, and Magna grinned as he got out his grimoire. Killua grabbed his own and set it down on the ground, there were confused murmurs but he didn't pay attention to them.

"So cocky you can beat me without your grimoire?" Magna huffed. "Let's see how you feel about- THIS!" He threw a fireball and Killua blinked, then dodged using the minimal amount of effort. The fireball whizzed by his face and he didn't even bat an eye. He saw Magna sweatdrop at his unfazed expression. "TAKE THIS! AAHHHHHH!" he made a bat and started pounding at an airborne fireball with it, creating dozens more that flew at him rapidly. Killua dodged each one with barely a movement, once again going the bare minimum. Once he was done, Killua put his hands in his pockets with a faintly bored expression. "Alright" Magna seethed, then flipped through his grimoire and readied a complex fireball spell. "EXPLODING FIRE BALL!" He yelled, winding the throw up like a pitch. Killua watched as it came at him, burning and bright.

Killua sidestepped at the last moment, the fireball smashing into a tree behind him. Killua met Magna's eyes with a blank stare. "You done yet?" There was dead silence for a few seconds. "he dodged it!" Luck shouted. "Woah!", "So fast!", "Damn" Magna sweatdropped again at his completely unruffled attitude. A big ass fireball just launched a fucking inch away from his face, and the look in Killua's eyes said 'weak'. He didn't blame Magna for being nervous. "That was so cool!" Asta yelled. Killua resisted the urge to wince slightly. Damn he's loud. Killua put his hands behind his head, face monotone as ever. "Baaka~" It was pretty much his cocky, 'I win' pose at this point. He knew not to underestimate an opponent, but he didn't think he'd need to struggle too hard to win. Sure magic was fast, but so was he.

Then Magna grinned, walking over. "Not bad newbie! You're the second one in a while who's not had to be rescued" Killua kept his face emotionless however. "Hey! You never told us where you were from. Well, I did assume Hage until you just said you camped there for a few days. You kinda act like a noble though if I'm being honest" Yami chuckled. "The way that kid talks about royalty and nobility, I doubt it" Killua shrugged. "Where your born doesn't decide your strength, work hard enough and I'm sure a commoner could flatten a royal" That got some murmuring, then Asta came up. "Hey! I think the same way! You know I don't actually have any magic-" Killua's eyebrows raised, then he activated Gyo. Killua blinked, then his eyes narrowed. He sure as hell didn't have magic, but there was something else. "You don't have magic, but you have power." He observed.

Asta's eyes went wide. "You can sense Anti-magic too?" Anti-magic, makes sense. The way it's slowly sucking the mana out of the air near where his grimoire is. "But you never answered my question!" Magna shouted. He thought for a moment. "Across the sea" The members made 'ooh' noises, then Asta pointed over to Yami. "Captain Yami's from there too! Maybe you came from the same-" Yami chuckled again. "Sure as hell he aint from my homeland. One look at those clothes..." Killua blinked. Are they weird? Then he noticed what other people were wearing, he stood out by a longshot. Suddenly Magna stood up straight. "Oh!" He grabbed out a Black Bulls uniform and held it out. "Here, I think it's safe to say you earned it" Killua took one look at it, and nearly wrinkled his nose. It's...Well it's not ugly, it just doesn't match.

He took the robe, then started folding it. Some of the other members had already left, but Vanessa, Charmy, Asta, and Magna stayed. They watched him curiously as he finished, then tied it around his waist. Killua looped the insignia around so it was to the left side of the front, then cut off some of the ends. Someone gasped, but he didn't really care. He fashioned two 3 inch bracelet looking things on his wrists and was in the process of connecting them on when suddenly a thread came out of nowhere and did it for him. Killua's eyes snapped over to Vanessa, who gave him a wink. "thought I'd help you out" she also attached the robe together in the back securely, Killua had to admit it was pretty helpful. He gave her a short nod of thanks, then glanced out at the building.

Suddenly the short brown haired midget ran over with a cupcake. "Hey! Hey! I brought you something! Try some, it's super yummy!" Killua was about to decline when he smelled it. Chocolate. "You know what, maybe-" She was about to cut it in half when Killua swiped it from her, then ignored the protest as he bit in. "Mh" Killua's eyes shone a little, but he quickly hardened his expression again. He proceeded to shove the entire thing into his mouth, then he knelt down and patted her on the head. Charmy blinked, then smiled up at him. "Well, glad you liked it!" He stood back up again, then remembered something. Killua slipped his tag out of his pocket, the one that had his number. Killua held it out. "Can you put the insignia on this?" Vanessa blinked, then nodded. "I guess so" there was a white light, and a few strings. Suddenly his pin had transformed from the number 99, to the Black Bulls logo. He placed it on his chest, in its rightful place. "Alright" he said, turning to Magna. "Ready for my room"

His room was a dark, musty, dirt and grime riddled room. Killua took one look, and he could just imagine the cockroaches and the spiders. Killua turned to look at Magna, who was about to say something. "No clean rooms?" He rubbed the back of his head. "All new recruits have to-" Killua walked over and opened the window, then looked back with a blank expression. "I'll sleep outside" He jumped out the window, Magna shouted in alarm as soon as he did. Well, it was a 3 story drop. Killua landed effortlessly and then started walking. He was literally just about to climb into a tree when he heard a voice. "Killua!" He glanced behind him, only to see Magna and Asta on a tree branch zooming over. "Yes?" He turned, then the two landed next to him. "hey! Why are you out here this late-" Killua turned away and scaled the tree, then took out his knife. The other two watched in silence as he carved himself a divot to sleep in, it was a little curved but still stable. He set his bag and his outer layer of shirts next to him, then rested his head down. "Sleeping"

"..." Then Asta hauled himself up into the tree, and Killua let out a sigh. "hey! You have rooms now!" He yelled. "You can just clean it and-" Killua shot a deadly glare at him and he paused, eyes going wide. "Fuck off" Asta took a step back, and fell off the branch. He yelled and slammed into the ground. Him and Magna had a talk, then they made their way back to the hideout. Killua let out a deep sigh, then closed his eyes. One step closer to my goal.

1530 words

To be continued...

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