20 Lullaby

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When he activated En, he couldn't sense the bottom of the chasm when they stood beside it. Instead he could sense a floating chunk of rock on the other side, about 45 meters away. Nero had been tasked with exploring, searching for things. 5 minutes later she had come back, and Killua removed his hands from the Mai twins and held a finger out. Nero landed on it and he whispered in her ear. "Go to the others, if you haven't heard from me within 10 minutes assume something's wrong and come to the chasm" He giggled, pretending he was telling a childish secret. But as he locked eyes with her she poked his nose, then fluttered off. "Whatcha tell your bird?" Volt asked. He grinned. "Told 'em to go bring me some berries! Nabi's trained by the way!" Mai looped her arm around his own, Mái stood close to him and let an arm hang loosely around his leg. Why do they seem attached to me? Not that he minded, actually he liked it. Damn it he might break character soon.

"Alright, three at a time" Shen said, then his eyes landed on the three of them. "I see they've taken a liking to you. Pyr, Lino, and Kessho your up first" Pyr grabbed the hands of the younger two, then they made their way over to the edge of the cliff. Volt leaned on a tree a few meters away, and Shen flipped through his grimoire. "Gust Magic, Wisps Of A Thousand Pounds" wisps of smoke like clouds formed a sheet over the edge. When he stepped on it, the clouds were surprisingly solid. And through Killua's En, he could sense a solid material. Interesting. He decided to activate Gyo, and he sensed a massive amount of magic power coming from that crystal. Holy shit, how long have they been using kids like this? And what he noticed as well, was the shimmer of faint magic coming from the bottom of the chasm. He couldn't sense how far away it was, but it was there. "I don't like The Cliff" Mái said in a small voice. "Me neither, hurts bad" Mai agreed. He rested an arm around each of them, he couldn't keep up his childish attitude for very long.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you" He murmured softly, then thought back to what he had in his bag. It was his taser, his 20 KG dagger, and a bunch of pictures. He had pictures of everyone who held a little bit of importance in his life. Gon, Kurapika, Leorio, Nanika, Alluka, Bisky, he even had one of him and Mike in there. I miss my little sisters. He realized, looking down at the two black haired twins who were clinging to him. It was slow going across the cliff, and once they got to the other side they spent 3 minutes over there before coming back. That was when he realized. Shit, there's not enough time. My 10 minutes will be up when we're about halfway to the other side. He wasn't expecting this to drag out so long, he thought he'd catch them when they were on the way back. But Pyr and the others returned, then he and the twins stepped onto the cloud. None of the four spoke while they were floating across, then he activated En. Killua sensed two people running towards them, and Nero flying above. Damn it. Well, change of plans I guess.

Killua locked eyes with Pyr, then let out a sharp whistle. There was dead silence for a few moments, Shen and Volt froze. Then there was a familiar yell and Asta burst from the tree line, swinging his enormous sword at Volt. "WATER CREATION MAGIC, SEA DRAGON'S ROAR!" A massive dragon head made of water bellowed and emerged from the tree line with Noelle pointing a wand beside it. Killua acted instantly, whipping out his knife and stabbing Shen in the chest with it. He fell backwards with a scream, and he heard something from the other side of the cliff. "BARRIER MAGIC, PEIRCING GLASS CAVERN!" A bubble of clear glasslike magic appeared around the other three children, jagged and spiked on the inside. His feet started to sink into the cloud as the scream below him was cut off, Killua felt a spike of fear. What's at the bottom of this ravine?

"SEA DRAGON'S NEST!", "I'M NOT DONE YET-", "GLASS CACOON!" Spells flew around left and right, but Mai was slipping and her sister was as well. He couldn't make it in time with both of them, there was only one option. Killua dove off the cloud after Mai as she fell, grabbing Mái with his other arm. "HOLD ON" He yelled, then angled his back towards the ground as he fell. Both younger girls were terrified, latched onto his chest. He heard a yell. "KILLUA!" That was Noelle's voice. He wrapped an arm around each of the girls, and gave them a warm smile. "Hey, look at me" They both looked up, tears streaking their faces. "Whatever happens, I won't let you get hurt. I'm a magic knight, I promise I'll protect you" He murmured. He activated En, and Killua could finally see what was at the bottom. It was a pit of spikes. Well fuck. This wouldn't have been much of an issue if they were normal spikes, but they weren't. No, they were the magic he had seen with his Gyo earlier.

He activated Ko on his back and legs as evenly as he could, then braced himself. It won't be pretty, but it won't kill me either. There was no telling how his Ko would react to these spikes, or how sharp they were. All he could do, was make sure no harm came to the two children huddled on top of him. A shower of jagged material rained down on him, and he heard more yelling. Killua shifted his backpack around to his front quickly, the spikes were hurtling upwards towards them. He shifted 50% of his Ko to his head and neck, if he died then he'd never get to see Gon or his sisters again. Even though it would hurt more on the rest of him, he couldn't risk it with the amount of unknown he was facing. Just before impact, Killua let his face relax. He didn't feel scared, or worried, or terrified. He felt at peace. Whatever the pain, I can take it.

He slammed into the spikes below, then sucked in a sharp breath as the Magical spikes punched through his Ko armor. Pain slashed through him like a whip, at least 10 of the steel barbs had stabbed him. A few on his legs protruded upwards and through his body, but his right arm for the most part seemed to be unscathed. Both girls were sobbing and he forced his face into a reassuring smile. "Shh" He said softly, reaching for his bag. Both looked up with wide eyes and terrified expressions, but he pulled out his robe. Then he wrapped it around both their shoulders, before placing a hand on each of them. They had some cuts from the jagged material earlier, so he tried his best to heal their wounds using his Nen. It hurt, honestly it was close to agony, but he didn't let it show. Instead he started to sing. It was a song he'd sung many times when Alluka was scared or upset. It wasn't in a language the twins would understand, but it still quieted the sobs from above him.

(The song is made up so if the lyrics don't make sense that's why. It's also in Japanese, I know someone who reads my stories speaks it so maybe you can translate it into English properly because google translate is a little bitch and butchers what I put in)

"O nīchan ga mamotte kureru. Sakebigoe ga hibiki watari" Mai's fingers wrapped around his hand, and her sister reached out to do the same. "chi ga nagarederu to shite mo" The words were soft and comforting to the two children, they were now fully healed and Killua was just keeping them calm until help got here. "anata ni kigai wa oyobanaideshou" Blood pooled beneath him, pain shot through his body, but he didn't let it show. " Ani no ude no naka-" There was noise from above him, Nero shot down and stared wide eyes at the scene before her. "DOWN HERE" She squawked, but as the two's attention was about to escape he kept singing. "-de anata wa anzendeari" Mai clutched his shirt a little, and he heard a whooshing noise from above and he sensed at least 5 people coming down on brooms. " kare wa eien ni soshite tsuneni anata o anzen ni tamotsudeshou."

He started from the top again. The song wasn't a very long one, but it held meaning. "O nīchan ga mamotte kureru." He finally recognized the presences as they got within 20 meters. It was Finral, Captain Yami, Noelle, Asta, Magna, and Charmy. "Sakebigoe ga hibiki watari, chi ga nagarederu to shite mo" Killua was starting to feel a little light headed, but he kept going. "anata ni kigai wa oyobanaideshou. Ani no ude no naka de anata wa anzendeari" Killua's vision was blackening at the edges, he knew he was going to pass out soon. "kare wa eien ni soshite tsuneni anata" Killua's eyes fell shut, and he murmured the last verse as his limbs went limp. "o anzen ni tamotsudeshou." And then the pain receded, and he didn't feel anything except a warm and black wrapping around him as he finally lost consciousness.

1660 words

To be continued...

Song lyrics if you want to copy and paste:

O nīchan ga mamotte kureru. Sakebigoe ga hibiki watari, chi ga nagarederu to shite mo, anata ni kigai wa oyobanaideshou. Ani no ude no naka de anata wa anzendeari, kare wa eien ni soshite tsuneni anata o anzen ni tamotsudeshou.

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