Chapter 4 - Survival in The New World... Part 1

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Mornings... Gotta love mornings. Especially when you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to start off an adventure. I glared into the bright sun and stretched my arms out. Suddenly, I heard a blood curdling screech come from under me... I looked down to realize I was laying on top of a Giant Spider...

....Followed by two other Giant Spiders....

(-_-) Okay, I officially hate mornings now. At first, I was gonna sneak attack this one Spider, since it probably still thinks I'm sleeping, and I'm supposed to act like an Assassin... But, no, I wanna see how this actually plays out. I might find Lance and Michi, and plus, I get a free ride on top of a Giant Spider... Win win if you ask me...

~ ~

After waiting for a few minutes for the Giant Spiders to come to a stop, I got bored and pulled out my journal to pass the time. After skimming through and learning a bit about Doki-Kurasu and types of Keisei, I saw something that caught my attention. Leveling up.

Leveling Up: Gaining Experience Points (Xp) are usually the only way to Level Up, but there are Five certain conditions that must be met to get to Level Five, which then permits Players to earn Xp. Any experience gained before reaching Level Five will be invalid. The conditions are scripted below, and it's suggested to complete all Five in order:

Condition One: You must~

My reading was cut off by the Giant Spiders coming to a complete halt. Hold on, when did I get inside a Cave?? I quickly looked around to see a Tribe, yeah a Fucking Tribe, of Giant Spiders waiting for their scavengers to bring back the food.

"... Well, shit. I'm not finished reading yet." I complained, hopping off of the Spider, and reopening my book... The Spiders slowly crawled my way as I kept on reading.

"Okay, Condition number one is to...~" I immediately dodged an incoming bite from the Giant Spider that was giving me a ride. After a quick slash with my Hidden Blade, I leveled up to Level Two.

"... Destroy one Monster, check." I ended, looking at my newly earned skill all the while keeping my distance from the Spider horde.

"The Hidden Blade Shot? Hmm, I guess getting this Skill stems onto Condition Two..." I realized, holding both hands up and aiming at the biggest Spider in the Cave. I had a slight grin, as I knew what was going to happen next...

"Hidden Shot!" I shouted, as the two Blades shot out of the hidden slots in my arm sleeve's wrist gaurds and attaching to the Huge Spider, doing decent damage, but not killing it. The Huge Spider roared out loud, literally sending a shockwave, blowing back all of the smaller Spiders around it. That was just a bad move.

"Now where's the retract button on this thing?" I asked, looking at my arm sleeves and struggling to keep my Hidden Blade pierced inside the Huge Spider as it tugged around. I found the switch on my gloves and I was instantly pulled in at an incredible speed by the Hidden Blade's wires...

"S-shit, Too Fast!!" I quickly yelled as I flew right past the Huge Spider. I was gonna slam right into the Cave wall, but I remembered that if I want to master the Assassin Class, I need to keep up with it's crazy speed. Quickly stopped the retraction, it caused me to swing all the way around the Huge Spider. After kicking one Spider halfway across the Cave while in mid-swing, I timed my next retraction and made one more rotation around the Huge Spider.

"Aaannd... NOW!!" I shouted, retracting the Hidden Blade Wires. I was swiftly sent rushing towards the hooked Spider. Right when I got in range, I quickly unhooked, then took out both my Twin Daggers.

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