Chapter 5 - Learning About The New World!

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"Now, let's start off with the basics, shall we kiddos? The Hackers ar~GUHGG??!" Zero was then brutally cut of by a flying weapon from Lady Kuro herself. It was more funny to look at than to feeling sorry for him, because Zero made this God awful face when he hit the ground.

"How many times do I have to kick you out of Dragunn Village, Zero??" She yelled out as she walked over there and crammed her foot in Zero's left cheek.

"D-doesn't... Matter how many... Damn times, y-you~Uuhgg!!" Kuro punted Zero through the doors of the Temple. It seemed pretty obvious that they did this kinda thing often, so there's no need to intrude, I don't think.... Kinda hope when Kuro said Tencho and I reminded her of someone in her past, she didn't mean Zero.

"You and El, the two who always wants to tick me off... I'm supposed to be The Queen of this Village, as you well know." Kuro complained, walking outside as we followed.

"Oh really? Shit, could've fooled me. Anyways, I actually came here for business... And when I say business, I mean the brutal arse whippings I'm planning on giving out to those Demons down at the Dark Hold." Zero claimed, taking out his Sitar and strumming a slow, steady melody.

"What bugs me is how they got so far away from the World'z Jump Gate." Kuro added on.

"Woah woah woah... Hold on. Demons? Jump Gates? You two lost me there." Lance said, me and Michi nodded along with him. At this point we were just sitting on huge steps that leads to Kuro's Temple, patiently waiting for the two to explain what's really going on.

"See? This is exactly why I get to explain." Zero proclaimed. Lady Kuro sighed, then made her way back into her Temple.

"Alright you guys. Before I can explain anything, I need you all to get a few things straightened out." Zero requested.

"First things first, you all gotta be on Level Five. Life's more easier once you finish the five conditions... Just think of Level Five being a better Level One. Now, who isn't on Level Five yet?" He asked. Michi, Lance, and I were the only one's who raised our hands. Coincidentally, we are all on Level Three.

"Perfect, only two Conditions to go. Matter of fact, you three can complete both of them right here and now, to get it over with." Zero realized. We excitedly shook our heads yes and stood up.

"Okay, to start, it's easier to knock out Condition Four in a group. So, go ahead and party it up." Zero instructed. Michi quickly sent Group Invitations to me and Lance using her HUD screen, in which we accepted. The HUD screen on my wrist then showed their names and Health Points as well as mine. I closed the HUD and looked back up at everyone else.

"And, let's see here..." Zero muttered to himself, looking at his HUD screen. He suddenly sent us an Invitation to Duel him. You can duel more than one person while being alone? Huh, this game is brutal.

"All right, Condition Four is to perform a Keisei with another Player. Really, I don't have to challenge you guys, but it's better to see how you three cooperate with each other if you're working together to fight someone stronger." He simply explained. I grinned and unsheathed my Katana, as Lance and Michi stood behind me.

"You two think you can keep up with an Assassin?" I taunted as the mysterious aura suddenly surrounded me, after somewhat struggling to concentrate on starting the Keisei Link. Keisei's aren't easy on the first try, is what my journal claimed, and it did not lie...

"Nope, but I'll try anyways!" Michi replied while taking out her Staff. A different color aura surrounded her as well as her Magical Book of Spells. I didn't know her Magic Book floats around her. Guess that means she doesn't have to worry about carrying it around in a fight.

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