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After putting on my pajamas, I followed my mum, feeling my butt swaying from side to side from putting on those thick nappies, and feeling, so embarrassed, I could hear the nappies every step I took.

When I got to the living room, my dad said "Are you ready for bed?" I didn't answer, I looked the other way, but my mom said "Yes, do you want something for my little girl to drink?" Look at her "Yes, I want juice" I answered ،“What do you think of a cup of warm milk?” She said, “Well,” I answered, my mother went to the kitchen and came back with a cup of hot milk, but I saw that the cup had a protective lid with a hole for the children, like training cups, and I looked at my mum in surprise, the lid so as not to get dirty.  Your clothes, we don't have time to wash the chair if you make a mess which is why I found one of your baby cups when I was packing.

I didn't want to, but my dad's appearance said I'd better take it, so I did and drank the warm milk.

I was watching some cartoons, and just before seven, my mom called out, "It's bedtime, give dad a little kiss and go upstairs، I'm going to put you to bed" I begged they'd let me stay at least until the end of the cartoon, but that didn't happen, when I went to Daddy and gave him a kiss, he picked me up and hugged me and said "Sleep well baby, see you in the morning" while patting my diaper.

I followed my mom to my room, right before I fell asleep ،She asked me to wait until I put my pajama skirts inside my pants and pulled them up a bit, then took a couple of duck pads and fastened them to my shirt.  "I don't want you to be sick because your pajamas fell off and you weren't warm.

She kissed me and said good night, my mother closed the curtains to block the light and went out and closed the door, I was so bored in my room I cried until I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up with very wet diapers ، I heard my mum and dad downstairs packing things, I didn't know what to do, I was ashamed, but at least my bed and pajamas were dry.

When I got up, but my mother heard me because she screamed, "Yara, come to breakfast baby, cereal is on the table, after eating I'm going to change your diaper, now come and have breakfast."

I went downstairs, "Good morning, Mom and Dad," and sat down at the table.  My mom was there, and as she sat down, she put some milk in my cereal bowl, and put some more milk into the training cup I used last night.

I quickly finished my breakfast because my wet diaper was bothering me and I wanted to take it off. When I was done, Mom said OK, let's change those diapers and pointed to the living room floor where there was a plastic rug with pictures of Mickey Mouse and his friends ،I looked at her frightened and surprised.  "That's so you don't get the rug wet, honey, lie down on it," said my mother.

I lay on the carpet and my mum took off my pants, then took off the plastic tongs, and left me alone with my very wet diaper "It's good to put you in diapers again" he said as he released my diaper and took it off, then told me to stay put while he went to get some wipes to clean myself.

I wiped myself with a towel, and I put a nappy under my butt, and I put baby powder on my butt, then I tie the nappy around my waist and she said, "Honey, we're going for a ride in an hour, it's a very long car ride, and you always fall asleep when we go, we don't want any accidents in your dad's car."  And we don't want wet kids or anything?

He put my pajama pants on me again, and then I got up, heard my diaper creak, and my mom stood beside me and re-secured the pajama bottoms to my shirt with duck pads "For now, you'd better stay in your pajamas until I find your clothes."

I hated this more, and more when I moved, my diapers were making noises.

My mom told me to go to my room and bring all the toys I wanted to play with for the duration of the trip, she told me to be careful and not to spoil the boxes, I collected some of my things, and before I could think about it, it was time to go.

My dad had a cart full of boxes, and there was almost no room for me.

Before we left I asked my mother if she had found the box with my clothes, even from my regular underwear and jeans, she said they were on top of the car, but for now it was better if I stayed in my pajamas because I always slept in the car, and that would be more comfortable for me.

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