Part 14: Offer to the Damned

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A sitcom played in the background of your lab as your stared into a bowl of nuclear orange Mac and Cheese, chewing your current bite as you held the fork you were eating with in one hand, and twirling a knife in the other.

  You did kind of want to get a butterfly knife someday, which made it a kind of happy moment when you found just that among the drawers present in the coffee tables in this room.

It was likely that your memories were some sort of counterpart of theirs, played from the perspective of a bystander in the events they went through. Your first memory was about the Ultimate Hunt, and the second was a funeral. So... they were probably remembering their own funerals, even more confused than you.

Out of nowhere, your lab door rumbled, unable to open due to the bar you had set down.

"Ah, shit." The butterfly knife was flicked shut as you stood up from a couch, turning off your tv. With a bowl of Mac and Cheese still in hand, you got to your lab door, lifting the bar and opening the door.

"Hey, Y/n!" Kaito enthusiastically greeted you. Beside him, her shoulder in a firm grasp, was Maki.

"...hi." You were unsure what to make of this.

"So, you never got a chance to talk with Maki about her talent and all that, and because everyone else already did, I felt it was important you got to." He told you.

"...what is there to talk about? She's the Ultimate Assassin, isn't she?" You asked, taking a bite of cheesy noodles.

"Well, yeah, but-"

"Then that's that. She had a good reason to hide her talent, and I can't judge her." You interrupted, stepping back.

"Come in, I've still got some macaroni if you guys want." You told them. Kaito didn't hesitate to come in, looking around.

"This is your lab? Looks more like a man cave to me. I like it!" He remarked.

"Yeah, it does have a homey feel. But it's designed to help hone my talent." You informed him, leaning against a counter in the kitchen corner. You had cleared out the newspapers that Shuichi almost read through, hiding them away, so there was no reason to fear in that regard.

"Are these Stiletto daggers?" Maki asked, at your throwing range.

"Yeah. You can throw some, I don't really care. Just don't damage them." You told her. Maki gripped one of the blades, and as you and Kaito watched, quickly tossed it up, catching it before whipping it forward, in a form quite similar to your own. A thunk echoed out as the knife hit it's target.

"That's a bulls eye." You stated, setting down your bowl to walk over.

"Wait, really?" Kaito asked, jogging over from serving himself a bowl of macaroni and cheese. He stopped at the sight you didn't even need to see.

  "Wow, it really is. Good job, Maki!" He complimented, sticking out a thumbs up to the assassin.

  "...excuse me?" Maki asked.

  "You hit a bullseye first try! That's gotta be worth some kind of commemoration!" Kaito explained, going back for his macaroni.

"She's probably super experienced, though... it may not be all that difficult for her." You pointed out.

  "Y/n's right. Can I leave now?" Maki asked.

  "Wait for me before you go." Kaito told Maki, grabbing his bowl and a fork, digging into your cooking.

It took a bit for them to leave, leaving you in silence once again, eating mac and cheese and contemplating your life choices. Best afternoon ever, eh?

Crocodile Tears (Tenko Chabashira x Male Reader)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara