Part 29: Passionless, Purposeless Voyage

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  " no...!" You physically recoiled as a massive screen behind you lit up.

  Ding Dong Dong Ding!

  "Puhuhu... Puhuhuhuhuhuhu..." The mocking laughter of Monokuma echoed out, taunting you.

  "A body has been discovered! Everyone, please gather at the Exisal Hangar!"

  "Ah-hahahahahaha! The killing game just keeps going and going! The despair's not over yet!" Monokuma declared. After those words passed, the screen turned off, leaving a group of very confused, very hopeless students.

"What is this? What's going on!?" Shuichi asked, looking around for some kind of answer. He could find none.

How could this have happened...? You weren't supposed to let this happen...!

"Wh-what!? Is that blood!?" Himiko asked, scared.

"The body discovery announcement... does that mean... someone's in that press?" Tsumugi was left stricken and pale by the very true possibility.

  "Wh-Who..?" Shuichi asked.

  "The only ones were Kaito and Kokichi..." You muttered in response.

  "Th-then...?" Shuichi's gaze dimmed into pure despair as you stepped over puddles, toward the hydraulic press.

  "Th-These are..." You felt the urge to vomit as you lightly grabbed the purple sleeve hanging out of the press.

  "K-Kaito's...?" Tenko squeaked out, slowly turning green. As the words began to process in your mind, a familiar boinging sound played out once again.

"Puhuhu... looks like you have a lot of twists and turns to sort out during the class trial." Monokuma told everyone. Right after saying that, he threw his arms out, shouting for theatrics.

"That's what the killing game's all about, after all!" He shouted. After calming down, he got back to a simple tone of voice.

"And now, I will pass out the Monokuma File! Don't say you're getting bored of this! Cause things are about to get interesting!" Monokuma told everyone.

  "I hope you pour your heart and soul into this investigation, too!" With the wish, Monokuma vanished, leaving a group of distraught, horrified people.

  "Ho-Hold on! We have to investigate...? So the killing game is going to continue!?" Tsumugi asked, mortified.

  "If the killing game is continuing, and Monokuma is still moving, then..." Keebo looked over at you, afraid.

  "Y/n, you're the one—"

  "Stop it." Maki told Keebo.

  "Huh?" The robot was taken aback by the order, to say the least.

  "I spoke to him personally. So did Shuichi. He's not the Mastermind." She told him.

  "What? But... he's..." Tsumugi stopped as Maki glared at her.

  "If he was the mastermind, then there would have been almost no chance that we all made it to the ark. He guided us here, and had a mission to keep us all alive. He probably claimed to be the mastermind in order to stop us from acting and starting this again." Maki explained.

  "B-But... it did happen again." Himiko pointed out.

  "Yes. I failed..." You clenched a fist, ready to punch or stab something. This was not how it should have gone...

  "Fucking..." Your voice cracked as a few tears slipped.

  "What this does mean is that the true mastermind, Kokichi, is still alive." Maki insisted.

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