part 3

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Shuichi gulped. This was it. In this building was the Phantom Thief. He wondered what he was like, and if he was going to hurt him, and if he was going to be able to arrest h-

Shuichis trail of thought was cut off by the wailing of siren cars.

"Saihara!! This is where you come in! Go catch him!!" Shuichis uncle shouted at him. Shuichi gulped and nodded, hands shaking in fear as he walked up the staircase. He could feel sweat drip down his forehead. Eyes fixed straight ahead, he walked into the clearing of the museum. No one was there. Just Shuichi standing, darting his head around, trembling. He swallowed. He spun around to see the Phantom Theif there.

"A-ah!!!" Shuichi yelped and took a step back in surprise.
The theif simply just grinned.
Now that Shuichi saw him in real life he saw he had bright yellow eyes, that pierced through him.

"Aw?? Checking me out huh??"
That voice sounded familiar.
But who?
No time. He had to focus on the theif.

"I-I need to arrest y-you"
Shuichi gulped.

"Who? Me?"
The thief bat his eyelids innocently.

Shuichi nodded.

The thief sighed.
"As much as I'd like to do that..."
He paused and took several steps towards Shuichi.
Shuichi backed up against the museum wall, breathing heavily as the thief's yellow eyes never left his face.
"I have better things to do! Sorry detective~"

The thief ran his fingers against Shuichis lips and grinned. Shuichi was frozen in fear. He couldnt move his arm up to unmask him. He felt the thief's fingers brush against his lips. His face reddened up and his eyes went everywhere but the thief's face.

The thief laughed.
He then ran from the room and dashed to the door.

Shuichi had to process what just happened before he realised he had to go after him.
His legs shaking slightly, he ran after the thief, already panting.

When Shuichi reached the top balcony of the museum, he looked around. The thief was gone. He wasn't anywhere.

Confused, Shuichi looked around. Where was the thief?? He desperately looked around.

"He must of jumped of the balcony." A cold voice said behind him.

Shuichi turned to face his uncle, who was standing at the top of the stairs.

"He what?!"

His uncle walked up to him and placed a hand on Shuichis shoulder.

"It's okay Shuichi. The Phantom thief is really fast. Next time you'll get him for sure. " he smiled.

Shuichi sighed. He looked up at the stars. A cold gush of wind blew through his hair. The only noise there was was the distant traffic and police sirens.

"Next time..."


Kokichi ran away from the museum. He managed to run from the police and he wasn't caught. He ran and ran and ran, panting and struggling for air. He eventually leant against a tree, placing his hand on his heart.

He took his hat and gloves off, and stuffed them into his pocket. He hid the hat under his cape and began to move again.

As soon as he reached the dorms, he ran into his room, making sure he wasn't seen.

He slammed the door and leant against it.

Kokichi took out his contact lenses and removed his mask and his boots with heels. He did all of this so Shuichi wouldn't recognise it was him. He sighed.

Kokichi knew Shuichi would eventually find out, but
He wanted to have some fun first.

He grinned.


Shuichi sighed. His head was resting on his hand as he lazily looked out the window of his uncles car as the  world sped by.

The trees cast a dark light as the moon rose more in the sky. Shuichi replayed the events again and again in his head, desperately trying to think of an answer to why the Phantom thief would do that.

His eyelids fluttered. He was so tired, yet the Phantom thief kept him awake. He then realised he was at the dorms and opened the car door, even more confused than he was before.

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