Twenty Seven

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I am really sorry for the delayed update...... I won't make any excuses, but I truly apologize and I hope my dear readers would forgive me for this late update.

I know I have been gone for a whole week but as a freshman in college, everything is new to me and it takes awhile to get accustomed to the new changes in my surroundings.

So I hope you guys enjoy this update and thank you for your support. ❤❤


[Once again let me remind you, the italic words are for Korean conversations between Ena and her members]

After the wedding, my day with the Asahina brothers went as it was during the few days I stayed in the sunrise residence, with a new addition of Natsume-san who would text me once in awhile. Things went to normal between me and Subaru, by normal I mean him being his usual silent self. The twins and me having the same bickering and teasing, wataru being the clingy little baby who can't live without his Usagi-nee and ofcourse my days can't be complete without teasing either Yusuke or Fuuto.
I even had my exams during in the meantime but nothing too serious.

The funny thing was that my photos and videos from the wedding went viral, especially the clip of me catching the wedding bouquet.

It's still embarrassing for me.

My members who saw the clip went on rampage, already planning my wedding in their mind. They even planned on stalking my future partner in order to make sure he was perfect for me.

Haaa... This idiots.

Well time passed that way and It was already Christmas season.
Natsume-San told that there would be a really grand opening for a game convention and the main thing was his company was the main contributor. So, he asked me and my group to perform in the first day of the two days convention.

My company agreed to it despite us having a break since we were the one who requested him to agree.

It was one of the random days before the game convention, my members were supposed to land in Japan early in the morning today.
Most of the people on the residence were busy, well except for the twins. So I was in my studio with them as they watched me mix & match many tunes.

"I am hungry...." Tsubaki who was standing behind me said with a pout.

"Eat something then....... bring me some too..."

"You are so cold Ena-chan." He pout but I still replied with a emotionless hum.

I decided to spend my day chilling in my studio. Unknown to me that a storm was heading to me, just to destroy my beautiful and peaceful day.


Four female figure, along with a tall male figure got down from a SUV. Quickly getting off, they repeatedly looks around to not look suspicious. However they didn't look anything but suspicious with their attire, a mask cover the lower half of their faces while a bucket hat covering the rest of the features.

Louis who was on his way to Sunrise residence in intention to spend time with his lavender blonde sister, stopped at the sight of 5 suspicious figure.
The first things which came to his mind were either they were either paparazzi or obsessive fans known as saesangs in Korean. After knowing his sister was a Korean Idol, Louis decided to research more on them. Among them an article caught his attention a lot, it was about the hardship of being a K-Idol. The most disturbing part was which mention paparazzis and The Saesangs.
It disgusted him, how fans do outrageous things just to gain the attention of their Idols. They go to the extend of disrupting their privacy by stalking, hitting them with things or even give poison.

Feeling the fear of his sister facing those hideous things, he decided to stop them.

"Excuse me?"

The 5 of them flinched at the sudden voice and turned to see a slender, pale and pretty man with long pale pink hair.

"Who are you guys?" He asked his cold eyes piercing through their soul making them tremble, it made them shiver how the man didn't even try to hide his hostility towards them.

"We are looking Lav-.. I mean Ena Hinata." Jiwoo spoke, ignoring his cold gaze.

Instead of convincing, the words only added more suspicion.

"There is no Ena Hinata here..... Now if you mind, I want to enter my house to excuse me." Louis pushed his way past them but stopped again when one of the strangers stopped him.

He turned around and was going called by one of them. "Wait wait! Are you her brother? It's us, her members!"

Louis turned to face the red head who now took out her face mask, followed the the others. The rose blonde's eyes widen in realization as he immediately apologized for the way he talked to them.

"It's really fine, we understand it well..... you know paparazzis and all." The blue head said with a awkward smile.

"And this person is?" Louis's violet iris scanned the Male figure with his guards still up. He had promised and joined hands with juli to protect both the sisters from any harm whether it was from his own brothers or any stranger.

"Oh, I am sorry I didn't introduce myself. My name is Hwan Taejung, I am their composer, music director, friend, caretaker and advisor."

A cheeky smile on his lip as he introduced himself. Louis had to admit, the man was quite charming with his luscious black hair and sharp sky blue eyes.

❍❍❍❖ 𝐄𝐧𝐚'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ❖❍❍❍

I just rolled my eyes looking at the cheeky smile of the silver head as he placed his face on both of his palms, his elbow resting on the kitchen island as I was making some chicken sandwiches and ramen for us.

"Okay..." I stopped my hands which were almost finished preparing ingredients as I narrowed my eyes at them. "Tell me what is it that you are finding so amusing that you can't stop smiling?"

"I am just admiring my beautiful and kind sister who is fixing some snacks for her hungry brothers."

I shook my head before flicking his forehead as he whined calling me mean. "Let me work in peace or no snacks."

He just pout at my words, his ravenette twin who has been watching his brother being dramatic just chuckled.

"I'm home and I brought some guest." My ears suddenly caught onto a soft and gentle voice which I was sure that it belonged to my hairdresser brother.

"Welcome home louie-ni.." I welcomed him cheerfully as I rushed towards the door but stopped as I saw the 5 most unexpected but also familiar figures.

"What about us? Aren't you gonna welcome us?" The baby faced member of mine said making me stare at the 5 of them blankly.

'How about I mess with them a little?' I mentally smirk at the thought.

I slowly made my way towards each of them either slapping or pinching them, whines coming from their lips as I nodded in approval and walked back to kitchen unbothered.

"It's not a dream.." with the same neutral face, I shrugged my shoulders with my back facing them.

"YAH!" The 5 of them burst in annoyance as they rubbed the place I just hurt them while I could see my brothers trying to control their laughs.

"Mwo (what)?"

I faced them but unknown to me as soon as I turned around, I was attacked by the full body force of the 4 girls.

My eyes went wide at the sudden attack before laughing as 4 of them were tickling my sides. While I was being tormented by the 4 tickle monsters, the idiot grandpa was having his best time filming my suffering.

'Oh how much I missed it."

Idol sister [Brothers Conflict × Female Oc]Where stories live. Discover now