Survival of the hottest

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Today has to be the hottest day here in Hollywood, robbie, tori, beck and I were sitting in our lunch table trying to enjoy the day but it was hard since it was so hot outside 

tori: Oh my God! I am so hot!

rex: Ain't that the truth.

tori gave rex a disgusted look

lily: robbie, control your puppet.

beck: What's the temperature now? 

robbie: Well, According to my pear pad...

we all groaned

robbie:  Here in Hollywood, It is 103 degrees. 

we all groaned again

beck: Man, I hate sweating.

tori: I know. My arms feel like warm, wet ham.

i gave her a disgusted look, then cat came in a cheery mood and jade came to our table and sat down between tori and beck

 cat: Hi, I'm really hot, But I'm still in a good mood. 

jade: Robbie, You done with that water? 

robbie: No. 

jade: Give it to me. 

robbie: All right. 

tori leaned closer to jade inspecting her face

jade: What? 

tori: You're not sweating. 

she continued to touch jade's face and i can tell she is getting annoyed

jade: Havin' fun there?

tori:  How can you not be sweating? 

jade: I don't sweat. 

tori: Everyone sweats.

lily: usually i'd agree but... not Jade. 

beck: Jade never sweats.

tori: What do mean, She never sweats? 

jade: Sweating is gross, So I don't do it. 

tori: So, what, You're just like cold-Blooded? 

rex: Jade? Cold-Blooded? Hmmm, what a surprise. 

i  smiled softly  while beck laughed quietly, jade took out her sunscreen and squiurted it in rex's eye.

rex: ah! That witch got sunscreen In my eyes. Help me, Rob. 

robbie: It's okay. Don't fret. There you go. 

rex: Oh, now my face Is gonna tan unevenly. 

andré came strolling in with cash 

andré: What's up amigos, amigirls? 

lily: What's all that money for? 

andré: Me. I set up a kiddie pool Over there And I'm chargin' people Five bucks for five minutes. Sinjin! You got three more minutes. 

sinjin: Okay.

lily: thats smart.

cat: Is it true that sweat and pee Are like... Cousins? 

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