Cat's new boyfriend

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beck, jade and i were walking through the halls towards the main corridor , talking when i saw tori talking to dani

lily: dani? what are you doing here?

Daniel: hey lily.

jade:So who's that? 

tori: Eh, this is Dani. 

daniel: Hey. - What's up. 

beck: what's up

jade: Why you talking to Tori? 

tori: He goes to my old school. 

daniel: Sherwood. 

tori: He... He was my boyfriend. -

Daniel:  Girlfriend. 

jade: So why you dumped her? 

lily/beck: jade.

jade: Can I guess? Cause I got a lot of guesses. 

daniel: I am actually.. -

tori:  You don't have to

Daniel:  Tori broke up with me. -

jade:  Oh. And how did you celebrate? 

tori: Do you ever take a day off? 

beck: So, what you doing here? 

tori: Yeah, what are you doing here? 

daniel: Well, I've kind of been dating this girl that you know, goes here and I as supposed to meet her... 

cat: Daniel  

daniel:  hey Babe. 

cat jumped on daniel and kissed him , jade's jaw hit the floor, my eyes were wide open in shock , and beck was trying to hide a laugh

cat: This is the guy I've been telling you about. My boyfriend, ohhh,  Daniel, these are my friend. Beck, lily,  Jade, and that's Tori. 

tori: Yeah, we've met. 

pointing at me, herself, and dani

cat: Really? You guys know Daniel? 

jade: Oh, she knows Daniel.

tori: Sooo

Daniel: Sooo

jade: Soooo

cat:  How come everyone's being all weird? 

jade: I'll tell her. - 

lily: No, you won't. 

tori: Cat. um, I used to go to sherwood with danny, before I came to school here. 

cat: Oh, so you guys were friends? 

jade: Yeah, they were gooood friends. 

cat: I, I am confused.

tori:  Danny and I used to date. - 

daniel: Uhh. Hey, why don't we walk over to some other location?

cat:  Ok, wait, so you and Tori were like... 

daniel: Girlfriend. -

tori:  Boyfriend.

cat:  Soooo

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