locked up

928 15 0


me and jade were walking to festus's truck to get some food while chatting and we saw andré and tori and cat waiting for their food 

jade: Oh, hey, I just wanted to remind you guys that I'm going away to cancun with lily and Beck's family for semester break, and you guys have nothing fun to do.

then she walked away

fetus:  So you got nothing to do for semester break?

tori: No. 

festus: Come to the back of my truck. 

cat: He wants you to go behind his truck. 

tori: I know. 

cat: Hi-hi. 

andré: Ravioli?

cat:  Like pasta pillows. 

me and tori walked to the back of his truck

tori: You got a nice truck.

 festus: Don't lie to me. 

tori: I'm sorry. 

festus: Listen.  How would you and your friends like to take a trip to my home country, Yerba?

lily:  Yerba? 

festus: It's very exotic island.

tori: Like Hawaii? 

festus: Sure. Yeah, like that. My brother, he's in charge of best hotel in Yerba. And my people, they love to see american-style entertainment with the singing, the dancing. So if you and your friends will sing and dance at the hotel, my brother will make your whole trip for free. 

tori: That sounds amazing.

lily: well you guys can go i am going with jade and beck

 festus: So you take down my brother's phone number in Yerba. 

tori: Okay. 

festus: You reach him by dialing... 05...

tori:  05... ...

festus:  631... -

tori:  631... 

festus: 771... 

tori: 771... 

festus: 81...

tori: 81 -... 

festus: 365... -

tori: 365... 

festus: 752...... 

tori: 752... 

then she put her phone back

festus: 836...

she took out her phone again confused 

tori:  836 -... 

festus: 67... -...

tori: 67...

 festus: 7434... 

tori: Come on, buddy.


that night andré, robbie, and cat were all gathered at our house 

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