Chapter 18

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Exactly one week had passed after Sirius' and my stargazing session.

I'd spent every night racking my brain about who his crush might me, but I didn't have any leads or clues, and Sirius hadn't made a move yet as well.

So nothing had changed. I'd patrolled with Remus once again, was lonely and bored in History of Magic and I kept joking with Sirius during Arithmancy, much to our Professor's dismay.

This Saturday, we couldn't have our Astronomy tuition because the Easter holidays were beginning.
I'd just had breakfast, and now I was in my dormitory, packing to go home for these two weeks.
I was buzzing to see my family again. I'd missed them very much, especially always when Valerie, Lina and Aleya were living their best lives without me. Although my homesickness had gotten much better ever since I'd befriended Remus and Sirius, I still couldn't wait to see my mum again.

Sirius had told me that he and James would stay at Hogwarts because James' parents were on a mission and the teenagers would've been home alone, so they could just stay at Hogwarts as well. And since the boys loved the castle, they had decided to stay and cause mischief.

Lina, Aleya and Valerie were all going to go home- they had their trip to France coming up, after all. So we were all packing, and I tried to cancel out my friends' excited chatter about their upcoming trip, because that only made me feel sad. I'd always wanted to do a trip with them, but they had never asked me if I wanted to join.

Shaking my head, I vigorously closed my suitcase. Enough of that, no need to depress myself when I was about to see Francisca and mum again.
"I'm done," I said, making all of them look at me. "I'll take my suitcase downstairs already. See you on the train."

I levitated my trunk down the staircase to the common room. Maneuvering it into the corridor with my bare hands, I contemplated carrying it through the castle, since magic in the corridors was strictly prohibited. But I decided against it.
There was no way I would carry this heavy thing this far just because I was scared that Filch would get me.

It was a boring stroll through the castle, so I was glad when I finally reached the place where the carriages were waiting to get the students and their suitcases to the Hogsmeade trainstation.

I looked at my watch. Still half an hour until the train would leave.

"Oi, Freya!"

I turned around and saw the marauders coming my way. Sirius and James were walking ahead of Remus and Peter, who were struggling to pull their suitcases behind them.

Sirius stopped in front of me, his arms crossed. "You weren't going to leave without saying goodbye, were you?"

I had hoped I would see them, so no, I wasn't. "Nope," I grinned. "I was hoping that you'd come, and if you hadn't, I would've still had enough time to look for you."

Sirius smiled and nodded approvingly.

I was scared that I'd do something stupid if I kept looking at him, so I quickly turned my gaze away, looking at Peter and Remus, who'd finally caught up and were now standing next to their best friends.
I eyed their suitcases.
"You're going home?"

Peter nodded and Remus said "Yes."

"Which is why we're here," James announced and pointed at a horseless carriage. "Let's go and save you lads a compartment."

They walked away, but Sirius stopped and turned back to me when he noticed that I wasn't following them. "Aren't you coming?"

I smiled and shook my head. "No, I'll wait for Lina, Valerie and Aleya. They'll come soon enough. But thanks."

Love You In My Mind // Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now