Chapter 57

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"That's all for today. We'll meet again in one week. Goodbye," Dumbledore ended today's meeting.

I'd been bobbing up and down excitedly throughout his whole speech, impatiently waiting to tell Marlene about my latest achievement.

As soon as everybody started to get up and leave the house, I turned to my best friend.
"Marls! I did it! I cast a Patronus!"

Her face immediately lit up, and from the corner of my eyes, I saw the marauders, Lily, Alice, Frank and Dorcas come closer to us, too.
"I knew you could do it!" Marlene whisper shouted to not scream through the whole house. "Amazing! Oh my Merlin, I feel like such a proud mum right now!"
She giggled and squeezed me into an embrace.

"Great, Freya!" Remus congratulated as well, patting my shoulder twice. "We all knew you could do it!"

"Took me long enough," I chuckled and freed myself from Marlene's bear-hug.
She immediately ruffled my hair, grinning crazily.
"Good things take time." Lily smiled. "How did you do it?"

"Sirius helped me." I smiled at him, hoping that he could read in my expression how grateful I was that he'd helped me.

He smiled back, and the world seemed to stop turning around me. "Of course."

"I've got to go," Peter suddenly exclaimed, making us all turn to him, confused.

"What?" James asked in astonishment. "Why so suddenly? Are you alright?"

But Peter didn't listen or just ignored the question, as he was already making his way to the hallway without looking back.
"Bye!" I shouted after him, but again, he didn't react.

"Weird." Dorcas said what we all were thinking.

"Maybe someone should go after him?" Sirius suggested unsurely.

"I think he wants to be alone right now," Remus replied quietly, still looking at the door where Peter had left.

"Soo." Marlene boxed my shoulder and returned the attention to me. "Back to the highlight of the evening." She wiggled her eyebrows. "What's its shape?"

"An owl," I replied proudly, forgetting the confusion about Peter's sudden departure.

"Ooh, that's so you! Amazing!"

"I actually thought of something similar." Remus grinned. "And I don't want to blow my own trumpet, but I was actually pretty close with all of my guesses."

James snorted and shoved him aside playfully. "Oh, please. Get out of yourself!"

Remus chuckled again and ducked when James moved to shove him again. He stopped on my other side.
"Congrats again, Freya. Now," He checked his watch. "I've got an appointment now, so I'll head out, too. Bye everyone."

And he did just that, followed by a chorus of 'byes'.

"Wait, how late is it actually?" Lily asked James, who checked his watch. "Almost nine. Wh- Ooh! Your parents!"

"Right, we've got to go, too," Lily excused them before we all said our Goodbyes.

"Now, Frey," Marlene turned to me again. "Have you also tried to communicate through your Patronus yet?"

I nodded. "Yes, that was the easiest part."

"She managed it immediately," Sirius confirmed.

"Cool, cool." Marlene nodded contently. "This day was a success, then. We figured out everything about the Dark Marks and Freya managed her Patronus. We're smashing it."

She wrapped an arm around Dorcas, and one around me. "We can all go home happily, now."

"I think I'll check on Peter first," I thought out loud.

Love You In My Mind // Sirius BlackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora