Chapter 49

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"So the others were right," The first Death Eater spoke up again.
"We've been spied on."

I gulped.
A trap.
That's all this was. They knew someone would follow them, they'd come prepared, they'd expected us.

"Now," the second man standing on my left spoke up. "Who are you? Who do you work for?"

"Noone," Marlene snapped. "Leave and we won't have to hurt you."

The woman laughed mockingly. "Big words, considering it's two against three. Let's do a little maths, shall we? Three is-"

"Quantity doesn't equal quality, bitch,"
Marlene said right at the same moment my non-verbal expelliarmus knocked the woman's wand out of her hands, and all hell broke loose.
The other two Death Eaters quickly fired spells at us as soon as I'd started the attack, and Marlene and I gave our best to dodge all of them.

As long as the woman didn't reach her wand, we had a good chance at beating them. I had high hopes, considering the wand was lying next to my foot, but one of the Death Eaters managed to summon it while dodging Marlene's curses.

When he passed it over to the woman, we had no chance to do anything but dodge curses and summon shield charms. There was no time for us to attack, we barely managed to keep ourselves unharmed.

In the midst of the colourful flashes, I managed to clench out, "I distract, you disapparate."

Without looking at me, since we were still standing back to back, she grabbed my left hand, signaling me that she'd heard.

I took a deep breath. I had to be quick to get a spell out between the several protegos. If I wasn't fast enough, I'd get hit.
When the force of my shield charm made the Death Eater on my right stumble, I saw my gap and quickly summoned a swarm of magical birds that began to peck at the Death Eaters' heads.

They instinctly clutched their hands over their heads or fidgeted with their arms in an attempt to get rid of the birds, but the animals kept pecking at everything they could find.

Marlene's grip on my hand tightened as she twisted on her spot to apparate us away. The last thing I saw was that the woman noticed it, ignored the birds attacking her and raised her wand again.

With a flash of red light, we disapparated.

We appeared in front of the headquarters, but as soon as my feet hit the ground, Marlene cried out and dropped down.
I caught her just before she hit the floor.

The cloak and shirt over her stomach were torn, and I could see blood pool out of a deep looking gash. My blood froze.

"Fuck," I cursed, struggling to keep her up. She was losing a lot of blood in a super short time.
With a wave of my wand, the front door opened.
"Help!" I shouted, struggling to help Marlene inside.
She was still conscious, but I was carrying all of her weight.
"Help!" I screamed again, and this time, people came out of the room down the hallway.

Gideon Prewett reached me first and quickly picked up Marlene's feet. Together, we carried her into the house, where the rest of the order members began to appear in the hallway.
When we were a few steps into the hallway, Sirius finally saw us.

He instantly paled and scurried to us.
"Marls!" His panicked and worried voice broke my heart for him.

"I'm so sorry," I panted as we were passing the door frame.
"It was a trap, we were surrounded and Marlene got hit when we wanted to disapparate!"

Someone- I think it was James- summoned a stretcher and Gideon and I laid Marlene down.
Sirius immediately clutched her hand with one hand and laid his other hand on Marlene's cheek.

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