4. I'll leave you alone

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Kate's POV

I was freezing. G-d the things one does for love...or friendship...or forgiveness...or like, friendship-love.

The school looks creepy this early in the morning, wow...I- damn, this really looks like a school built on a cemetery, I'm starting to believe the stories little kids used to say about this place. 

I arrived 2 hours early to school, and I've been waiting ever since for Sofía to get here. On the last few weeks, she has been avoiding me, she hasn't even looked my way or acknowledge my existence at all. However, when she is close in doing so, someone always comes and acts as if I were about to physically hurt her.

I wasn't.

I also didn't want to seem like a stalker, because I already flew from all around the world to be with Sofía...so I need to somehow show her that I'm not a stalker, and that's why I won't go to her house. Yet.

Oh G-d, I'm not really a stalker...I'm doing this for lov-

Oh G-d, that's literary what every stalker and creepy people say.

I shuddered and gagged, I started jumping a little so I couldn't shake the creepy feeling that I just gave myself.

"I wanted to pretend that I didn't saw you but then I saw you convulsing and..." Miss. Montgomery trailed off.

"Jeez!" I said closing my eyes. "You scared me" I said sincerely, now I was more embarrassed than before, great.

"Weren't you dying?" she asked arching an eyebrow.

I stared at her blankly, then I crossed my arms before answering. "You're an awful bestie" I sated.

"I'm not-" she started.

"Okay so, right now we are on operation catch the red chicken" I said squinting my eyes at all the possible entrances from where Sofía could get here.

"What is that even supposed to mean?" she asked, stifling a laugh.

"Short version, I'm trying to talk to Sofía before anyone else gets here and tries to break my face" I explained quickly.

As soon as I said Sofía's name, Miss. Montgomery got rigid, just as she did the last time I mentioned her. I don't know why, is she not comfortable with me, with Sofía, or with both?

"I'm gonna-"

"Help me please" I pleaded before she could end her sentence.

I tried to give her my best puppy eyes, and she clenched her jaw and tried to look away, she was about to give in.

"It's inappropriate" Miss. Montgomery said, nodding to herself.

"Look at it my way, if you help me win Sofía back, I won't bother you ever again" I said rapidly, trying to convince her. "I'll have friends, or at least everyone would stop bullying me...and I will have new besties!" I shouted.

Miss. Montgomery bit the inside of her cheek, I knew she wasn't impressed with anything I said, but I also knew she was far too nice to tell me to shut up just like that.

"I'll be your bodyguard?" I tried.

"Oh no, you? my bodyguard? Who is saving who's ass most of the time huh?" She snorted mockingly, but not five seconds happened and she was covering her mouth with her hand, regretting what she just said.

Now that was my time to start laughing, if anything I wanted her to be comfortable around me, so she and only she, can tease me however she wants.

I Was Right, Love Is Messy (TeacherxStudent) (GirlxGirl)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora