5. I'm always hot

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Brianna's POV

I was reading over and over again the same papers, I spend so much time in my classroom these days, so much that I find myself doing exactly what I'm doing right now, reading three times what I already graded as a I try to escape my boredom.

On the bright side, almost all the time that I spend in my classroom, Sofía spends it with me. She is trying to distract me, and herself, from a certain redhead called Kate that it's like a plague, can't she get a life and leave Sofía alone?

Sofía won't let me be anywhere near Kate, in her own words, "she prefers to visit me in my own house than in jail". I don't know what that means, what does she think I would to do Kate? I mean, I have plenty of ideas, but there's a different between thinking it, and actually doing it.

As my mind drifted off to possible action plans to keep Kate away from Sofía, as if she knew I was thinking of her, my girlfriend came rushing into my classroom, closing and locking the door behind her.

"The weirdest thing just happened" Sofía said panting, making me believe that she ran to my classroom.

I just looked at her, arching my eyebrows and crossing my arms, making her visibly shiver, which made me grin evilly. Is not that I don't want to know about the weirdest thing that just happened to her, is that she didn't even kiss me good morning, unacceptable.

"Okay yeah sorry, okay so...good morning" she said rambling and counting with her fingers. "How did you sleep?" she added, still counting with her fingers. "And I love you" she ended, approaching me and kissing my lips softly.

I deepened the kiss and soon took control of it, she melted into my mouth, and I slip my hand on her waist to keep her steady and close to me.

"Whoa, now this is a good morning" Sofía whispered when we broke apart.

I smiled at her and then pecked her on the lips, quickly and softly. Reluctantly I let her go and went to sit on the edge of my desk, close to her but still not close enough to be in a compromising position, with Kate here we have to be more careful than ever.

"I slept very well, I would have slept better if you were there with me though" I said answering her previous question.

She groaned and throwed herself at me, making me stumble backwards a little due the surprise. "You can't drive me to school, it's too risky with Kate here...and you can't drive me to your house at 5 am for me to be there when Nikki and Val pick me up" Sofía said with her face buried in my neck.

I ran my hands up and down her back, drawing patterns onto any bare skin I could find. "I was actually going to let you take the bus" I said wickedly.

Sofía separated herself from me almost immediately and squinted her eyes at me. "Now I wanna spend every night at your place so I can make you drive me home at 5 am" Sofía said with a huge smile on her face.

"Make me, huh?" I said in a sexy low tone that I knew drove her crazy.

Sofía gulped and then bit her lower lip, a crimson blush spreading on her cheeks.

"Please?" She said in a very high-pitched tone.

I started laughing and her blushing increased, but a seconds after she shook her head and smiled. She kissed my hand before taking a step back, putting more distance between us just as a precaution.

"Okay now you can tell me about the weirdest thing that just happened to you" I said still smiling.

She opened her eyes slightly, remembering what she was going to tell me when she first came in. "Oh right, okay so Kate and I talked" she stated blunty.

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