17. Jealousy gives us hope

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Kate's POV

I already knew I was gay since I was a newborn; it was pretty obvious, the way I hold on to that cute nurse instead of the doctor that my mom was crazy about, should have been an indicator for everyone on planet earth.

However, what I didn't know, is that I could reach these levels of gayness...

"Kate" Monty said, demanding my attention.

I rapidly shook my head and turned to face her, faking an intense interest in the papers that she had in front of her, instead of you know...in her very kissable lips.

"Kate, you don't need to spend every lunch with me if you don't want to" Monty said, failing at hiding her displeasure with the thought.

"What- no!" I quickly intervened.

Jen stood up, a hand going through her hair in distress.

"Well, you certainly don't look like you want to be here" She said, not concealing the fact that she has been on edge since our little...gay panic thingy.

"I want nothing more than to be with you!" I quickly shouted without thinking.

I regretted it a second after tho, because as soon as Jen's eyes met mine, I could see that we both took my comment as more than me just 'wanting to be here in her classroom'.

"I- you know, I don't-" I started, walking towards Monty rapidly, putting a hand on the small of her back but then retrieving it quickly as she turned around and in one swift motion her face was mere inches away from mine.

Our gazes locked, our breathings were uneven and heavy. I gulped down hard as this woman invaded all my thoughts, fulling them with fantasies about how well our bodies would fit with one another.

"Kate..." Jen whispered shakily.

I didn't know who was in charge, if her, or me; but for sure our brains weren't, that was a fact. Without thinking I leaned forward, ready to meet Jen's lips with my own in a hungry and fiery kiss.

But as we were about to touch, a phone ringed startling us both, and we broke apart rapidly while I groaned.

I had hoped that her phone was the one at fault here, but to my luck, it was mine...Jessica was calling me. I suddenly became so angry at her, why did she have to call me at all? I rejected the call and turned to face Monty with an apologetic look on my face.

"Oh my G-d" Monty panted. "I- that-...no" she debated with herself.

"I'm sorry" I mumbled out. Monty didn't meet my gaze as she kept passing around the room, trying to process what almost happened between us.

"I...am lonely" she said to herself, suddenly coming to a resolution about something and then facing me. "Yes, that's it!" She cheered.

"Uh...Monty I-" I started.

"Quiet" she cut me off. "Look, we are lonely" she deadpanned.

I bit my lip as I swallowed all sassy remarks I could think of. But to be honest, she wasn't right, I wasn't lonely.... but maybe I was a little horny.

"This..." Jen said motioning between the two of us. "Is our bodies holding on to the person we are close the most so that way, we aren't lonely...I care about you, and you care about me...and...we are both lesbians...it's perfectly normal for this to happen...it's...ah..."

"The gay panic!" I quickly shouted. For my own heart well-being, I quickly jumped on board to believe whatever excuses Jen was making to deny what was happening between us.

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