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I am about to leave the place when I saw Hyntall in front of me

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I am about to leave the place when I saw Hyntall in front of me.

"Hyntall? Why are you here?" I asked him. He smiled at me and looked at the view of Las Haciendas.

"I just wanted to take a last glance of this beautiful place," he said. What does he mean about that?

"I know sorry isn't enough to cast all the burdens we gave to you," he said, while he's still focusing on the view. He diverted his gaze on his hands. He was looking at his tattoos.

"In behalf of my wife, I mean my ex-wife, I wanna say sorry for all that she have done. Despite the evil choices she made, she once had a beautiful soul. The pain she felt just consumed her, and made her a person far from what I've known," he turned to me. "I'm beyond grateful that you didn't turned to be like her. And, despite what happened to you, you choose love over vengeance." He smiled at me.

"Can I ask you? Why did you allowed them?" A sudden curiosity just pop out of my mind.


"Kliosate and Anastasia?" I said and he smirked.

"Anastasia knows how much I love her, and Klio too. But what choice do I have? They're having a baby. I don't want to see the child grow up not having a complete family. I don't want that child to experience what we experienced, not having a complete family. Even if it cost me to sacrifice love and marriage, then I would willingly pay the price," wika nito. I didn't know Hyntall is willing to sacrifice his own happiness just for the happiness of the people he loves.

"But they lost the baby. Why didn't you take her back?" He chuckled.

"I saw how happy she was with Kliosate. The happiness I've seen in her, is the happiness I felt when I am with her. That, I know how much she's in love with my brother. So, I set her free." Now, I understand Hyntall more. He's broken all this time but he never showed that. Because he knew his family needs him, he was their shoulder.

He gazed back on the view. He continued, "You don't really know the value of love until you're willing to sacrifice everything. Even though it cost you pain," he sighed.

"That pain will surely give a stain in your heart but it will help you to value yourself even more," he said. "Just like the reflection on the pendant of your necklace," I was confused when he said that. Napatingin ako sa necklace ko. I wear three necklace, one has a pendant of rings, one has a pendant like a knot... I don't know what exactly the term is, I forgot, and another one is the small mirror like pendant where I can see my reflection, it has a small words engraved in it—Choose someone you know who can love you the most— I realized something.

Whoever gave this to me, I'm beyond grateful. This necklace is a symbol of self love. The reflection of myself in the pendant speaks for it. And, nobody can give you love the way yourself can. Nobody can love you the most, except for yourself. So, we must always choose ourselves, first.

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