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Vincenzo's POV

"What do you mean you failed?!" I yelled.

I admit it, I had been under a lot of pressure lately. These damn kids trying to play mafia were really getting on my nerves since a long time ago, but I still couldn't get rid of them. But now, I knew I was close to finishing them.

They should had died that time, too.

It was funny how they didn't even know they had a snitch in their own mafia, and I knew they were trying hard to discover who it was. But of course they would never know, I had made sure of that.

Anyway, just now... we were planning on taking over part of their territory, or, at least, kill some men to warn those kids. But even if my goons killed some of them, they almost got rid of my men.

As if they always knew what to do, I couldn't help but being pissed at it. Everything I planned, they would always know.

"I-I'm sorry, b-boss" the guy said, he must had been the same age as the Caruso's. "We tried but there were many more of them, a-and they almost killed me, too-"

"So you think I care they almost killed you?"

"I, no, I m-mean.."

I grabbed him by his shirt and easily lifted him off the floor, furiously waiting for him to answer.

"You mean what? You can't even finish a damn sentence. You're as useless as them"

I threw him with a loud thud, he seemed to be injured from the work before, but I didn't mind, honestly. I was too mad to even care that night. I just simply took out my gun and instantly killed him.

Dwayne, who was basically my right hand, came to me at the sound, but I just shook my head.

"Take him out of here. Make sure to let those idiots know about this, maybe it'll warn them to be useful"

He softly replied a 'yes, sir' and left. Dwayne was one of the only ones who was good at his job, unlike many of these goons.

I looked at my hands, which killed the guy a minute ago. When had I became this upset over the Caruso's? I guess the feeling had always been there. I needed to finish this somehow, I couldn't let those kids win.

We were the greatest mafia before they ruined it, and I was going to make sure things would be right again.


"Daddy, pleease"

"No, Victoria. You've eaten too many sweets, and I know Marcus gave you some more when I wasn't here"

The girl pouted and looked away, defeated. She knew Ross was right, but the treats she could eat at the mansion were different from any other she had eaten before. To begin with, they were expensive (for her because, of course, it was nothing for the brothers), so the chocolate tasted really good. And second, she really loved sweets.

She still huffed and crossed her arms on her chest, not wanting to look at her daddy.

"Victoria Caruso, are you gonna be a bad girl right now?"

Victoria didn't answer, instead, she kept ignoring him while Jake watched from the kitchen, eating some fruit and interested in their interaction.



"Okay, no more sweets for a week"

Vicky immediately looked at him with her eyes widened. She didn't think he could get that far, even if sometimes she would get those 'daddy' looks and warnings, Ross hadn't really punished her before. Not to mention, she hated that word, as it made her feel embarrassed.

"No, daddy!"

"Now, do not yell at me or it'll be worse. I can reduce it to three days, but you have to apologize and stop being a brat"

She whimpered and nodded, more scared of his change than for the sweets. Vicky looked at him in the eyes, hoping she could soften his expression (which surprisingly didn't, because he knew what she was trying to do. Although in the inside he felt guilty).

"Yes, I'm sorry, Daddy"

"Alright, thank you. Now, let's get you to take a nap"

"Leave her be, she just wants some chocolate" Jake suddenly intervened.

He went to them and patted the girls head. Thankfully, they didn't really messed her hair anymore, and instead, they patted her head. She secretly loved it.

Vicky's eyes lit up, hoping Ross would agreed and let her have some more, but he wasn't having it, and Jake knew that too.

"Jake, I said no. Do you want me to punish you, too? I'm still your older brother, I can surely beat you up"

He huffed and rolled his eyes. Of course they wouldn't mean any of those words, at least in front of their girl.

This time, it was Vicky's turn to watch their interaction. Part of her thought that even if they acted tough, they were still brothers who messed with each other.

"I'll take her to sleep, you stay here being grumpy"

Jake picked her and her stuffie up, and she instantly clutched to it. She felt overwhelmed at the situation, so hid her face in Jake's shoulder as she heard Ross sigh in defeat.

She assumed he was going to work on something, because he was wearing his usual tie. Vicky then remembered the one she had bought for him, but decided it wasn't the time. She found it funny how Ross would have tons of money, but only had a few ties.

"Jake, are you bus- oh, she going to take a nap?" Marcus said, getting out of his room. He went to them and stroked Vicky's hair, something the brothers knew she loved. The girl hummed in response.

"Yeah, I'll be with you in some minutes. What is it?"

"I just need your help with the code, and well, I was suspecting of someone in this matter, so I need you to come with me"

Jake's face turned stern at soon as he started talking. His body even tensed up a little, something even Vicky felt. He really was a different person when it came to work, and honestly, he was glad the girl didn't know.

She felt it was uncomfortable, so squirmed a little in his arms to get his attention, and his expression softened again, being the same she was used to.

"Alright, gimme a minute"

Marcus nodded and patted the girls head before turning back to his office and keep working. It had been stressful for all of them, but thankfully Vicky had helped to make it better.

"I'm not sure how long I'll be out, maybe some hours. But if I'm not here when you wake up, you can go find Jeff or Ross and tell them to give you my iPad, yeah?"

Even if she was sleepy, she quickly nodded. Jake would always lend her his things, and she felt happy. He, on the other hand, was feeling worried.

Hi :)

Hope you liked this chapter, and thankss for the support guys ❤❤

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