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The next morning, Victoria woke up with Ross next to her. She smiled at that, because he really meant what he said the night before about not leaving her. She repositioned herself in Ross' arms even though it was a little hot outside.

Vicky buried her face on his chest and focused on his heartbeats, and the way it
vibrated. She contentedly hummed, as it was her favourite part of the day.

To her surprise though, Ross tightened his hug, signaling he had been awoke all the time.

"Good morning"

"Morning. How did u sleep?" Ross tiredly asked.

"Fine... I didn't have any nightmares last night. Thanks for staying with me, Ross" Vicky said, hugging him back. His shirt still had his cologne, something that always made her feel happy.

"See? I told you I'm here, nothing bad will happen"

He broke the hug, earning a whine from her, even though she wasn't in little space. Ross smirked and sat up on bed, stretching a little and going to change his clothes. Victoria spotted he wasn't wearing anything too formal, more like some casual clothes, unusual of him.

"I'm going to work on something else today, no meetings" he explained seeing her confused expression.

"What do you mean?"

Ross didn't answer, instead, he changed the subject.

"Jake and I will be working, but Jeff and Marcus will be here if you need anything. I'll be back in the afternoon, I guess"

"Uh, alright. Gimme a kiss?"

He chuckled and did as she said, giving her a kiss and a quick peck on the cheek.

"Good luck today"

"Alright, thanks. See you later, princess"

Victoria wanted to protest at the nickname right then, but she couldn't as he was already out of the room. She sighed and got up, realizing it was about 9 in the morning.

Today she wanted to do many things, as she wasn't feeling little and could maybe give Ross a surprise dinner or something. One thing he didn't know, was how much the girl loved cooking.

So, after scrolling through her phone for some minutes, Victoria made the bed and changed into a comfy but pretty dress, and tied her hair into a messy bun to go downstairs.

Even if it was a little colder than usual that day, she was in a good mood. Nothing could go wrong, or make her feel otherwise.

Downstairs, she was about to eat some breakfast when someone suddenly appeared, making her jolt in surprise.

"You scared me!"

"Uh? I didn't do anything" Marcus said, a confused look on his face. "Although it's funny when you get scared, Vicky"

She scoffed and turned back, continuing with her actions.

"Alright, alright. Sorry, my bad" he sincerely apologized. "Hey, have you seen Ross?"

"Uh, like half an hour ago. He said he wasn't going to attend any meetings today, but he still disappeared. Where could he have gone?"

Victoria watched as Marcus became a little nervous, while she fixed herself a bowl of cereal. He scratched the back of his head, deciding wether to tell her the truth or not.

"Well, he's... in the basement"

"Again? Marcus, what do you guys do there?" she pouted. Victoria  had an idea of what could it be, but still wanted a verbal answer.

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