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Victoria randomly grabbed a coat and put on some sneakers, ready to leave the mansion. She knew it wouldn't be too simple since, of course, there were "guards" outside the building, even though she could still give it a try because they were always nice to her (maybe because she was 'part of them' and didn't want to mess up). Giving Brownie, her cat, a kiss on the nose and promising to get back for him as soon as he could, the girl silently went through the door.

As she had imagined, two men she had barely talked to before were outside, in front of the entrance of the house. She still approached them hoping they would let her go.

"Uh, hi"

"Hello miss. Are you alright?" one of them said, confusedly staring at her and her current state.

"Y-yeah, I'm just... not feeling too well. You know, femenine stuff" she managed to say, "Anyway, I'm going for a walk to feel better, so please excuse me"

As she tried to pass through them, the other man spoke.

"Are you going on your own? Did the boss allow you to?"

"What do you mean? Of course he did. I-I don't mean to sound rude, but please move unless you want me to call them. I am not feeling well at all and I just want to go for a little walk, but if you don't believe me, go ask your boss. I am sure he won't be happy by seeing me like this either"

Well, that was her last card. The men's faces got a little pale after hearing that, because of course they kind of doubted the Carusso, especially Ross, would let her precious girl go out like that with everything that was currently going on, because even they were completely aware of that. But on the other hand, she did look a upset and pale... and they valued their lives too much, so maybe the best was to let her go for a small walk. 

With a head gesture, Victoria was allowed to leave easily. She tried not to show how nervous she was as she walked past them and quickly made her way out of the place.

The idea of being out of the house made her feel like that, especially because Victoria didn't know what could she do now. The idea made her heart skip a beat, as she knew that the only choice, if she didn't want to sleep under a bridge, was to get back home... her old home. Truth be told, both options were on the same level for her, but of course decided to sleep on a bed rather than the cold-hard floor. 

As if it wasn't enough of that situation, it soon started raining. It wasn't raining too much, but it still added to her sadness. 

She ironically thought how bad she must had been looking: no make up, some comfy clothes with a coat on and a pair of sneakers, while walking under the rain. But thankfully she did have some money with her, so just stopped a taxi, ignoring the funny look he gave her and just telling him the address because she wasn't feeling good, but that didn't mean she wanted to get sick, too.

"I only have eight dollars, so please get me as close as you can"

Thankfully Vicky wasn't really that far from 'home', maybe about 30 minutes but she had already walked for a few minutes before taking the taxi.

Part of her, her 'little' self, couldn't help but being too nervous at the thought of the Carusso's reaction as soon as they realize she was missing, and wondered if Ross would punish her for being a bad girl, because even if she had 'missbehaved' a couple times, this was definitely something else. But even still, Victoria knew his Daddy would cuddle with her no matter what.

However, she thought, it didn't matter anymore. Vicky couldn't believe what she heard an hour ago and was obviously feeling hurt, and everything started repeating in her mind over an over again, never realizing how she was holding her tears not to make a scene. It was easier when she wasn't little.

"Miss, this is as far as I can go. It'll be eight dollars then"

Victoria sighed since she still had a couple blocks to walk and it was still raining outside, probably harder than before. She handed the man the only money she had and got out of the car, he didn't even say anything to her despite the weather. The girl didn't care, at least there had been no need to walk all the way from the mansion to her house.

Walking a few more meters, the girl heard an engine near her, getting closer and closer. Ah, they found me too quickly. Maybe that's good, either they punish me and it was all a misunderstanding or I die here, Victoria thought, but she was wrong.

The black car stopped right next to her, the girl too tired to even react.

"Going anywhere, sweetie?"

A man said, before another one got out of the car. Everything happened so fast: he dragged her inside and she barely had any time to (try to) yell, but a cloth covered her mouth, and before Victoria could process anything, her vision went black.



"Not now Mariano" Ross tiredly said while desperate looking for some papers on his desk.

"I just wanted to make sure everything was okay"

"Why wouldn't it be?" 

Marcus looked at the guard, almost closing his macbook because of how suspicious he was acting. Both of the brothers knew something was off, and Jeff and Jake were too focused in their own work to say anything. 

"What is it?" Ross asked

"Miss Victoria wasn't feeling to well, but I assume you alredy knew that. I just wanted to make sure everything was fine or if you needed me to accompany her on her walk-"

"What? When, where did she leave to?"

"What do you mean, boss? She left half an hour ago. She said you let her because she wasn't feeling well"

Before he could say anything else, everyone shared looks for a second before hurriedly leaving the room. Ross would had killed the damn guard right then if she hadn't been in danger, so he took a mental note to punish him later. He was so confused and mad, but finding her safe and sound was his and his brothers top priority.

All of them grabbed their guns in a second and got ready to go.

"Alex" Ross said while putting his gun in between his belt and pants. "Follow us, and get the dogs prepared"

"We need to call Alistair" Jeff said.

"I tried. He isn't answering"

"Well, shit"

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