Chapter 5

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"Harry was standing in front of Quirrel, staring at the reflection of Voldemort's face on the back of Quirrel's head in the mirror.

He turn to run but the flames suddenly flared up. He turned around.

"Kill the boy"

Quirrel charged towards him.

Harry fell to the floor and found something wet beneath him"

Harry woke up with a start. His face was wet with tears. After a few moments, he started sobbing, too shaken up by the nigtmare.

Then he realized somthing. Something wet. He looked down and was horrified. He had wet the bed. What does he do now ? What would Snape say ? He decided to call Toppy

"Toppy ?" - He called with a small voice

The house elf appeared with a pop

"Young Master Harry Potter calls Toppy ?" - The elf's high-pitched voice said

Harry wasn't calm enough to talk. He kept sobbing for a few moments until he was able to compose himself

"Is young Master Harry Potter ok ?"

"Y...yeah. I... I wet the bed. Can you help me ?"

"Of course, young Master Harry Potter, sir. Young Master should go take a shower. Toppy will clean the sheets, sir"

After saying a quick 'thank you', Harry got out a set of pajamas and quickly went into the bathroom, hoping he wouldn't run into Snape. He didn't. When he came back, his sheets had all been cleaned up. He came back to sleep.

Next morning, as usual, Severus woke at 7am and came down to the kitchen. He asked Toppy to get him his morning coffee

When Toppy came back with his coffee, the elf decided to inform Severus about what happened last night.

"Master Severus Snape, something happened last night, sir"

"What happened ? Did Potter do something ?" - Severus said looking at the elf surprised that something had already happened in the first night.

"Young Master Harry Potter called Toppy last night, sir. Young Master wet his bed and was crying really, really hard, sir. Toppy thought he was going to make himself sick."

"He wet his bed ?"

"Yes, sir"

Severus thought, bedwetting wasn't that rare in children but he needed to know if this had always been a problem for the boy.

"Thank you for informing me, Toppy. Please let me know if it continues"

With that, Toppy popped away

Harry came down for breakfast that morning looking pretty normal, although he did seem a bit off. Severus knew not to mention the bedwetting though.

A week later, the bedwetting kept happening. Toppy kept informing Severus in the morning about that problems with a few other issues: Potter had mentioned nightmares to Toppy about two or three times. Toppy also told him that the boy had been throwing up about half of the meals he ate, or at least that was what Toppy thought Potter was doing in the bathroom about an hour after meals.

Severus spent the evening of his Sunday thinking. He had grown quite worried about the boy. What ?!! Did he really think he was worried for the brat ? Well, if it was true, it would be quite a new feeling to him. Suddenly, Toppy popped in, holding something that looked like a rag.

"Master Severus Snape ? You have to look at this "

"What is it ?" - Severus asked eyeing the cloth

"It's Young Master Harry Potter's clothes, sir"

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