Chapter 26

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Severus woke up with a sore neck and a warm weight on his chest. He tried to stretch but felt something move on his torso, his eyes flew open and he saw a little dark head resting on his chest. Then the night came back to him, and he hoped that Albus hadn't got a chance to come in here or he would never live it down.

He picked the boy up and tried to put him on his bed but the boy's hands were gripping his robes too tightly. He stood there for 5 minutes until he succeeded in freeing himself and giving Harry his stuffed toys to clutch instead. Then he got himself presentable and came down to the kitchen.

Albus was already up. He had just sat down with his coffee when Albus came over and placed in front of him a thick file. He hadn't read to see what it said but the word 'Guardianship' flashed in his sight and caught his attention first.

"It's time, Severus" - Albus said, smiling fondly.

Severus was speechless, he wasn't expecting it that morning. He recovered after a minute.

"But, are you sure? I mean, what if I'm not fit to do it? What if I'm not patient enough?"

"Oh, I am sure you are patient enough, son" - Albus said and took out a photo, which he took just an hour ago of his two favorite boys.

Severus glared at the man. So much for hoping.

"Anyway" - Albus put the photo back in his pocket - "you have been with him for nearly a month, and you two are doing well. I think this will do him good. Your interactions are way beyond the teacher-student relationships anyway."

Severus thought about it. Right, maybe this will make Harry feel more secure.

"Alright, I'll talk with him later today"

At about 10 am that day, Harry was on the couch reading when Severus came in, holding something.

"Harry, can we have a talk?"

The boy looked up nervously.

"Am I in trouble?" - he asked in a small voice.

Severus frowned.

"No, why would you think that? Is there something I should know?"

Harry shook his head.

"No, it just. At the Dursleys', it means trouble."

Severus narrowed his eyes but calmed down quickly.

"No, we're just talking about our future arrangements."


"Do you know what guardianship is?"

Harry looked puzzled.

"Like... you have authority over something?"

"Well, kind of. It means having a ward, a child underage in your care legally. You take responsibility for that child and you basically act as a parent"

Harry nodded.

"Well, Harry" - Severus started to get nervous - "I want to offer to be your new guardian, since the Dursleys are clearly incapable of doing it, if you want that is"

The man stopped to observe the child's reaction. Harry just stared at him for a moment.

"Really?" - the boy asked absently.


Tears started in the boy's eyes.

"B...but why?"

"Because you deserve better, and I want to give it to you. All adults in your life have failed you so far. You have my word that I will try my best to give you what you need and deserve" - hell, he was going soft if he really was saying those things, Severus grimaced inwardly.

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