Chapter 27

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The next day, Severus and Albus had been waiting for Harry to come downstairs for breakfast. The boy usually woke up at that time, but 15 minutes had passed since their usual breakfast time, so Albus told Severus to go check up on him.

When he walked into the room, Harry was curled up in a lump on the bed, which he found weird since the boy went to bed considerably early the night before. Nevertheless, he woke the boy up, though it took a bit longer than usual.

Harry woke up feeling very awful. He was having a sore throat and a headache. And he felt as though he had been run over by a dozen Hippogriffs. Being used to handling it himself, he just sat up and looked tiredly at his new guardian.

"Good morning, Harry. Breakfast is ready."

"Mornin' sir, I'll get ready right away, " the boy said, walking to the bathroom.

Breakfast was uneventful, literally. Harry was only able to eat half of his meal. And he wasn't his happy and chirpy self like usual.

"Are you alright?" - Severus asked concerned.

"Yes, sir" - Harry said happily - "I'm just not hungry"

"Never hide if you're not feeling well, ok?" - Dumbledore said.

Harry nodded. If he didn't tell, no one would know. He didn't want to be a burden.

Severus didn't push the matter but he promised himself that he would check on the boy later.

Harry spent the whole morning reading on the couch. He was tired, his head was spinning, and he couldn't focus on anything he was reading. And at some point, he fell asleep.

Severus had been working in the lab, and he decided to go get some water and also check on the boy. Albus was going through profiles to choose the next DADA teacher and he didn't think the man would succeed and come out soon. Severus walked into the sitting room and almost didn't see Harry lying there. That's strange. He didn't know that Harry needed naps mid-morning. He walked to the boy and gently pressed his palm to the boy's forehead. He withdrew his hand immediately. It was burning!! Harry was sick. And he had been hiding!

What would he do now?

He had cared for injured students and cared for himself when he was sick. But he had never cared for a sick child. He contemplated calling Mark. But chances were it was just a minor illness. What kind of guardian I am if I can't treat a simple cold? First day being a guardian and I have had to send him off to a professional, for a cold! He should be able to handle this.

Carefully, he picked the boy up and started walking towards the stairs. As he walked up the stairs, he could feel Harry radiating heat and hoped that it wouldn't get worse, or he might have to call Mark.

He enter Harry's room and had only placed the boy on his bed when the boy stirred and woke up.

"Sir?" - he said tiredly.

"Harry, you're sick. Lay there while I go get you some potions."

He walked back down to his lab and grabbed a couple of vials. As he rushed upstairs, he met Albus, who was just stepping out of his room. Seeing the potions and the fact that Severus was rushing alarmed the old man.

"What's wrong?"

"Harry's sick" - Severus said as he rushed past him.

He cast a diagnostic to make sure it was a cold. And yes, it was. He gently shook Harry awake.

"Harry, you need to drink some potions"

The boy whimpered but accepted the vials. As the boy drank, Severus addressed a problem.

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