Chapter Six

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     When the figure emerged from the forest, I knew Aisha and I were in deep shit. Something felt wrong the moment the car came to an abrupt halt but I couldn't quite place my fingers on it.

     From all indications, we were being cornered by a jinn. There was no other explanation for what the creature was. I looked at the gaping hole where his face should be at and that was when it clicked.

     While Aisha and I were on our honeymoon, I had seen something out of the corner of my eye watching us but I didn't tell Aisha anything about it because I didn't want to ruin our honeymoon. She got scared easily.

     "Aa-aa-Aashiq?" Aisha stuttered. She looked like she was going to pass out any moment. If she wasn't here then I'd have definitely passed out.

"Yes, habibti. Aashiq. Your Aashiq." he had a sinister smile on his face that I wished I could wipe out. He dropped us on the dry forest grounds with a thud.

"Ouch!" Aisha squealed. I rushed over to her and pulled her into my arms. "Are you okay?"

Aashiq spun around and turned into a 6'3 man that looked like me. The only difference was he was way more attractive than me. He pulled Aisha to him and kept a tight grip on her hand.

"Please let me go." There were tears running down her face freely. I was helpless.

"Ya Allah! Help us." I muttered under my breath.

"Aman! Help me!" Aisha cried out loudly.

"Let her go or I'll recite ayatul kursiyy so you burn to ashes." I threatened. My patience was running thin.

"Hehehe! I'd love to see you try." Aashiq laughed maniacally.

"Allahu laa ilaa-" before I could even finish the first line, his other hand grabbed my neck and I was finding it hard to breathe. His hand was very hot against my skin and I spluttered. He let go of me and pushed me to the ground for the second time.

"Aman!" Aisha screamed, trying to run to me but Aashiq pulled her back and gave her a death glare.

"You're coming with me. I've waited too long for this, habibti. Finally, you'll be mine and mine alone." He ended his statement with a sweet smile. Bastard.

He raised his left hand to the sky and repeated thrice in a very firm voice, "Oh ye ancient jinn, come grant me a wish."

An even more sinister looking jinn appeared from a tornado of smoke and replied to Aashiq. "What do you want?"

"Give me the powers to make Aisha mine and bring her with me to ealam aljini (world of jinns)." Aashiq answered.

"And what do I get in return?" The ancient jinn asked Aashiq.

"Sayf aljini wal miftah alsihriu (sword of jinns and the magical key)." Aashiq said.

"You know how dangerous it is for jinns to get the sword of jinns and magical key."

"I do. I'm ready to do anything to have Aisha all to myself."

"Then your wish is granted, Aashiq." The ancient jinn opened his palm and a red orb floated to Aashiq.

Aashiq caught the orb in his hand and closed his eyes. He recited some incantations and all three of them vanished into thin air.

"Aisha! Aisha!" I called out to nobody.

The forest became bright once again and I found my phone. I dialed the local police and waited for them to arrive. I didn't know how to explain what just happened to them. They wouldn't believe me no matter what I said.




Sirens blared through the forest and a police car and ambulance pulled up at the crime scene.

"Stand back and put your hands above your head!" An officer commanded.

I did as I was told and stood back, visibly shaking.

They inspected the crime scene while the paramedics put the driver's body in a body bag.

"We'll have to take you back to the station for questioning." The same officer that asked me to stand back said.

"My wife, Aisha is in danger. I need to find her." I panicked. I felt like I was too late to reach her wherever she was taken. I needed help. And the police officers didn't look like they could help me.

"You have to come with us!" The officer said firmly.

I looked at the spot where Aisha previously stood and pointed. "She was right there before they took her." My eyes watered and I couldn't hold back my tears.

"Who took her?" Another officer asked.

"Aashiq and the ancient jinn." I said.

They gave each other confused looks and the senior officer gestured for them to take me into custody.

"I need to find my wife." I struggled against their holds but they put me in cuffs instead.

The officers put a tape around the crime scene before getting into the car with me and driving to the station. I was losing my mind.

Aisha. My wife. My habibti. The first and only woman I fell in love with at first sight. She was gone. Goneeeeee! And I didn't know what to do.

"He asked you a question." An officer spoke.

I shook my head and muttered a sorry. "What did you say?"

"What is your name?"

"Aman Ubaid."

     "What were you doing in the middle of the forest?"

     "I was on my way to the beach resort with my wife. We were supposed to be on a vacation."

     "How did the driver die?"

     "We were going and the car came to an abrupt stop. He got down to check the car and suddenly everywhere went dark. There was a very strong wind. It knocked the bonnet down and it hit him. Then this creature came out of nowhere. Aashiq. That was his name. He summoned an ancient jinn and they both disappeared alongside my wife."

     The officers looked at me like I was crazy.

     "Why are you looking at me that way? I need to find my wife."

     "Aditya, please get the psychiatrist."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2021 ⏰

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