Chapter 4

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Nick's POV: 

The next morning everyone was getting ready for school. 

I noticed she hadn't come downstairs yet.

I went up and knocked on her door. 

I don't know why I was expecting a response. 

"I'm coming in Kiddo." 

When I walked in I saw her on the bed sitting in a ball. 

Just like the hospital. 

She looks exhausted. 

"Did you sleep at all Kiddo?" 

No response. 

"Why don't you come on down for breakfast." 

She got up and followed me. 

"How about some toast?" 

She was just looking down twiddling with her hands. 

She was having a hard time keeping her eyes open. 

"Kiddo when was the last time you slept?" 

No response. 

"Did you sleep at all last night?" 


I sighed and made some peanut butter toast.

"Alright kiddo here's some toast." 

She wouldn't touch it. 

I turned her chair to the side then I knelt down by her and took her hands in mine. 

She started to shake. 

"Kiddo, no one is gonna hurt you, not anymore." 

No response, just shaking. 

Her breathing was getting shallow 

I let go of her hands. 

"Ok let's go to the store." 

She hesitantly got up and followed me out to the car. 

"Ok we'll get clothes and school supplies. I know school is the last thing you should be worrying about, but the state will mandate it. We'll get you caught up though. If you see anything at the store you like, just let me know." 

No kind of reaction. 

In the store I had to pick everything out. 

Any progress we made with responses is gone. 

I wonder how long the state will let me keep her out of school.

When we got home she was trying so hard not to fall asleep. 

"Kiddo it's ok to sleep. If you want you can go upstairs to sleep and lock the door to your room if that'd make you feel better." 

She flinched awake more when I spoke. 

This is breaking my heart. 

I stepped out onto the porch to call Andrea about school for her. 

"Hi, this is Andrea." 

"Hi this is Nick Martin, I have a few questions about the girl, I just brought home." 

"Oh yes. You were on my list of people to call. I have more information, but what are your questions?" 

"Do you know her name yet?" 

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