Chapter 30

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Nick's POV: 

I got to the school and saw Bean, or I guess Maisy covered in blood. 

I rushed to her. 

"Kiddo is that your blood?" 

She nodded. 

"We need to call an ambulance." 

I heard yelling come from the locker room. 

"And the cops for that pervert." 

She was sitting in Ezra's arms. 

"Where's Emmett?" She asked.

"He's with River." Ezra said. 

"Can he come here?I want a hug from him..." She said. 

I saw the guys coming down the hall. 

"I'll go get him, and lock River in there. I don't want you kids near him. Will you be alright?" 

She nodded. 

I went into the locker room to see him a bloody mess. 

"She's asking for you."

I didn't react to River being there. 

"The police are on their way." 

"Thanks Nick." 

We both left the locker room. 

Emmett's knuckles were bleeding. 

"Bean are you ok?" 

"Can I have a hug?" 

"Of course." 

He held her until the police came. 

They took River away to a different hospital and I rode in the ambulance with Kiddo to the hospital. 

Once we got there I called the social worker. 

She's on her way now. 

Arlo also had to go in with his black eye and I was worried his nose was broken. 

I was went to Arlo's room to check on him. 

"Nick I'm sorry. I tried to get her away from him, but I couldn't I'm sorry." He said all in one breath. 

"Hey hey. It's ok. You did absolutely nothing wrong, at all. Can I hug you?" 

He nodded and cried in my arms.

I left him with Ace while I talked to the staff about about having them both in the same room, so neither was without me. 

"Arlo are you ok?" Kiddo asked. 

"I am, are you?" 

"I am." 

Emmett was getting his hand checked out too. 

He broke his hand. 

Kiddo has to spend the night because she has a concussion and they want to watch her other injuries. 

She has a broken wrist, broken nose, two black eyes, and bruised ribs. 

He did a lot of damage. 

Zero and Xander were cheering her up.

Honestly given all that's happened today I'm surprised she has even that small little smile on her face. 

I can tell the guys feel guilty. 

I wish they could see that this wasn't their fault. 

I love these kids and I think I need to adopt them. 

I'm completely full with how many kids I can have in my care at the moment, but I couldn't imagine my life without them. 

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