Chapter 8: A Vision of Honor (Part 2 - Part 4)

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Part 2

"Why haven't you mapped the tunnels? It seems like something you would love to do." With all their archives I couldn't imagine them not wanting a map of the Undesirable tunnels.

He shrugged. "We aren't really welcome. And while we do like to keep documentation, if you haven't noticed we aren't really into the adventuring out and getting into dangerous situations life. Unlike a certain lady who just seems to love bringing us all sorts of fresh information for our archives. I'm certain she would love to map the Undesirable tunnels."

Was he wanting me to map the tunnels for them? "Well, who knows. That certain 'lady' might bring you back a map. One day. When there isn't a war going on. For now, since we don't have a map, do we have a guide?"

Henry pointed at Daniel.

"Daniel is our guide? Did they happen to give you a map of the tunnels?" Daniel couldn't have learned this labyrinth in just his time with Henry's unit.

Daniel shook his head, "No, Henry meant that I found us a guide. One of the men volunteered when we mentioned our plan to have the headquarters inside the Undesirable area of the city."

"Why is this guide not here then? Aren't we leaving for headquarters now?" I asked.

"Yes," Henry nodded. "I didn't bring him in here with us because I didn't want to expose too many eyes to your current location. And I wanted your approval."

Henry was actually asking for my approval?

Mr. Repair Man stepped forward. "We will lead her to the tunnels in the Undesirable area. If you are willing, can you have the guide meet us there? You can have the men gear up using our gear after she has left."

And there went my chance to give input into my own situation, but it didn't sound like a terrible plan. And I couldn't think of something better. I nodded, "This sounds like a good plan from all the things I have been told. Henry, can you show the men the supply room after we have left? Daniel, can you have our guide meet us in the tunnels at the entrance to the tunnels?"

Henry and Daniel straightened up and snapped their right hands to just above the right brow in unison. "Yes Ma'am!" They were just a tad quieter than shouting. Guard precision. I guess this officially made me the commanding officer.

They were looking at me like they expected me to do something in return, so I nodded. Their hands went back down to their sides hesitantly and not in unison. Had I responded incorrectly?

"Mr. Repair Man, I want you to come all the way to the headquarters with me so that you know where it is and you can bring the supplies I requested."

He nodded. "Sure, but you aren't getting a salute out of me."

I hadn't expected one. "I'm not guard trained, so I'm not quite sure how to even handle a salute."

"You typically give a salute in return, Ma'am," Henry spoke up to fill in my lack of information. "And we call all officers Ma'am or Sir. You are now our commanding officer."

Oh great. Now I would also have to learn guard mannerisms. "I will try on the returning salute thing. No promises on the Sir and Ma'am thing. That feels strange."

"Yes Ma'am." Henry responded.

I had to dismiss everyone so that we could actually put out plans in action or all we would do was stand around discussing them and guard ceremonial habits. "Now that we've determined all of this, go and do each task."

Henry and Daniel saluted again, and this time I raised my hand and attempted to do the same above the eyebrow salute. It seemed good enough because they both dropped their hand back to their side, turned, and walked out.

HonoredOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora