Chapter 12: Wishes of the Dying (Part 4 - Part 6)

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Part 4

"We are going to see the woman Casia that you requested I drag out of the castle. She claims to be your sister and has been demanding to see you," Dan responded to my question.

Casia. I had to see her again. I wished she would just leave the city as an exile and never talk to me again. Our last conversation hurt to remember, and I didn't really want to step on those thorns again. "Do I have to see her again?" I asked even though I knew the answer.

He stopped and turned toward me, "Do you not want to see her? I reasoned that since you requested I save her that you must want to see her."

I looked down at my feet, unwilling to meet his intense gaze. "She's my sister."

"I remember. I also remember the way she treated you previously was unacceptable. If you don't want to see her, you can let her rot away in the Wall until you are ready to see her." His voice was steady and held no judgement. He would allow me to duck out of this conversation.

But I really shouldn't. I shouldn't just leave her in the Wall. I had to see her because I had chosen to save her life.

I sighed and shook my head, "You are right. I need to see her."

He started walking again, and my chair rolled along next to him.

The gray hallways slid along the monotony blending in with the even rhythm of Dan's steps. Would they keep Casia close to where I was, or was she far away?

A part of the wall opened up to one of the mover rooms Dan strapped my chair into the wall of it. As soon as he had himself strapped in, the wall closed and the box took off on a path to somewhere.

"Do you know the full layout of the Wall now?" I asked Dan.

"Yes. Part of the knowledge base I have includes the layout of the Wall. I also have access to certain areas of the Wall that I have gotten approval to, such as the mover."

"What do you mean that you have access to them?"

"I can connect to them with the chips in my brain. A good way to explain it is this mover. I knew where the entrance was, as we got close I called it. It opened as soon as we got close since I had called it. And then I told it the quadrant I wanted to go to where the cells are located." As he spoke he was staring blankly at the Wall on the other side of the mover.

His words were hard to follow, "You say you told it where to go, but you didn't say anything."

"I don't have to." His flat nonchalant delivery sounded cocky. He glanced over at me, "You do not understand." He paused, his eyes staring at me. "I don't say it out loud. I think this is what is needed, and it happens."

Did he mean to say that his brain was part of the wall? Was this another part of the whole cyborg thing I couldn't wrap my head around.

The mover came to a stop, and Dan unbuckled me from it, and the entry wall slid open.

"We are in the cell area of the Wall now. These are mostly used when the elders want to discipline someone for going against their directive."

"Why is Casia here then?" I asked as we walked down another bland Wall hallway.

He stopped and turned toward the right wall. "I knew you were dying, so I came straight to the Wall with you dragging her along with me the whole way. When I got here, no one really knew what to do with her, so they stuck her in a cell."

The part of the wall Dan was staring at opened. Inside the room was a small space, and then bars. Behind the bars was one of the fancy Wall rooms. It looked just as comfortable as the rooms I had stayed in previously.

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