Chapter 38

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Alice and Aloha kept falling and falling in the endless pit for what they felt like a long time that they are now getting bored.

They aren't talking to each other coz hey! They can't talk the same language not they can read each other's mind.

But it was silent for so long and only hear the whooshing of the air as they fall. Alice rather talk now.

"...Hey. Are you still angry at me?" She started.

Aloha didn't make a sound but perked her fluffy ears at her and rose an eyebrow. Alice seemed to understand her gesture.

"You know. The not knowing my previous wolf is not my real wolf. That I got snagged by a guy before I got my real mate. That I didn't want to be combined with you now because of the stupid thought that I shouldn't get you involved in the mess. Which is also useless because we are here anyways. I mean the war and all."

The wolf looked at her sarcastically like mocking her saying "You suddenly got genius. Good for you."

Alice scratched her head embarrassed reflecting to her own words. She firmly refused to be combined with her real wolf before because of the damn thousands of reasons she made up in her mind but not really asking the other party. If she thinks of it, she really feels that empty part inside of the where her wolf should be. She wonder if the wolf felt it too

"You know. You were really a good mother to Anya. And I wanted to thank you for accepting the twins as well. I just wished that we could both be their co mothers. But now that I think about it, we already are." She chuckled at her silliness.

The wolf smiled a very smug smile remembering the kids. They also got serious thinking of the kids' safety.

"If...given the chance. Will you allow me to be your partner and help each other save them? I one body?" She asked hesitantly

The wolf stared at her determined. Like saying "Do you seriously have to ask that?" Then nodded. Both of them felt happy and satisfied. Alice offered her hand to the wolf and the shook hand and paw. They just have to. Find a way to connect with the Moon Goddess to fullfil their wish for the last time.

But words echoed in their ears like they were inside a cave.

"Conditions fulfilled." Suddenly they saw a very big face to their side. Alice thought it was similar to when she met the Moon Goddess. A titan. Another goddess!

Her slightly wavy silver hair were like enchanted threads and who knows how long. Despite her eyes covered with cloth, she still looked stunningly gorgeous.

They stopped falling but they are now hovering in both of the goddess' hands.

All of a suddenly, the goddess clapped her hands like she was jus catching a mosquito.

At the same time, Alice and Aloha felt like they are dying! The feel their body broke and grind and shatter. Unbearable is an understatement. It was worse than being chopped alive!

Then they feel themselves burned alive and melt! They are now begging to just die. Because it seems like hell is chiller compared to this.

Then it felt like they are put into mold. Put into the water just to be shattered and grinded then melted and solidified then all over again.

It feel like a loop of forever torture.

Over times they loop, they combines their body, thoughts and soul. They are slowly becoming one. But that one fact don't make them eager to go on the pain over and over again. It was that they can now converse and push each other to go on. Reminding each other that they have to succeed and don't give up because they have so much to live for.

And the succeed.

They really did it.

And they both feel the power of being together. They are now stronger than ever.

Even stronger than when Iridessa replaced her real wolf.

And they could feel it resonate all over their being.

"This is the real combining. Separation was actually worse but that foolish Goddess of Moon spoils her people so much without even thinking. You people call it kindness. I call it her selfishness and stupidity." A bitter voice echoed again.

Before they could react, a flash of light blinded the two of them and then they are falling again.

Alice felt like the air got knocked out of her when the falling suddenly stopped and she is now floating watching people building temples.

She have no idea what is going on but thinks keep coming up her mind like a narration.

People build temples of the gods and goddesses they worship.

Alice was moved from one temple to another. Almost all are extravagant lavish and big. Except for a particular one made inside the woods. It just looked like a simple church. Just the way the Goddess of Fate does.

She want a humble life just like how her human husband did. But they didn't last long because humans can only last a lifetime. He is the one who started the building for her to have worshipers as well.

They got a daughter. A seme immortal. Immortal like have an eternal youthful life but not immune to accidental deaths. Or intentional.

She became a famous priestess. The only child of the Goddess of Fate. She sees what the goddess sees. The cycle and the probability of everything. She can see the past and possible futures.

She gave birth to a child, then the child gives birth to another then the cycle goes. They lived and died under her watch. It heartbreaking the first centuries then it became normal. It is the life of an immortal after all.

But one man made her want to change things. She wanted to give up the long life just for that man. And that she did. She begged the Goddess of Fate to take her immortality.

And the Goddess of Fate that have a lot of troubles that time gave her the wish.

But that is not what caught Alice's and Aloha's attention anymore.

It was their olden times version of their husband being showered with the priestess' affection.

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