Chapter 40

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I backread a randomly and found some plotholes... My chapter 31 was deleted. I want to cry I lost one that I lost sleep writing. I remember sleeping at 4 am for that part.

And the part when Artnis found the dragons. So that was actually three dragons. I forgot the black one when I wrote the next chapter so I have no choice but to take my baby dragon out.

Another I'll fix later is... How did Aloha's pack got into the war site? I will fix 'em later if I got the willpower to do. Yes will power. Will power to re read and re edit over and over again.

And another was... I published chapter 39 in October 15 but it was not posted . It said published but when I opened in another account, I found out it was not updated. So I have to try fix it again.

I started May 5, 2020 and this is still ongoing so I'm sorry for the so much delay.

While the whole time Alice and Aloha was falling, a whole lot of chunk of their force was wiped out. They were teleported to different locations where monstrous beasts and devils killed most of them mercilessly. Almost none was strong enough to manage to survive.

By the time Alice and Aloha merged into one, the Arakka caught up with Artnis, Reido and Reina. Artnis frantically looked and watched their surroundings. She felt more agitated when she can't see the collosal monster. She was given false hope when she saw the blue waters of the sea. With their great speed they will be able to reach it within a minute. But there is nothing more unsure than a silent predator.

She is counting down every second when suddenly all things went dark. The Arakka already ate them, grounded them to dust with it's billions of teeth and turned into nothing in a split second.

Contrary to Artnis' hopeful wish, the Arakka isn't intimidated with water anymore. It dove into the sea to look for the krakens it sensed deep under the ocean. But it also swallowed all merman kingdoms and species on its way. It was a disaster under water.

There are only death on land and underwater. Those who survived lost the will to live. Their ears and heart are all filled with the words 'Give up'. And they did.

The fear is so suffocating. Alice and Aloha can literally feel it as if gripping their whole body mind and soul. The whispers telling them to give up is getting more and more undeniably powerful and persuasive.

The bad thing is, she is getting persuaded.

In the palace court hall, where King Yvo sacrificed himself, Jared shamelessly tossed his corpse aside and took Yvo's crown to his own head. He laughs maniacally indulging in his own stupid greed.

It was like fate planned beforehand. It was very uncanny that the only ones that survived near the palace was Ylsen, Gil and Felix.

There were a lot of scratches on them. Only scratches. They were teleported infront of a group of monster bipedal wilderbeasts carrying thorned iron clubs, goblins, and gargoyles.

Except for the three of them, all others teleported with them are wiped out. Even if they fought or protect their comrades, the beasts didn't pay attention to them and slaughtered everyone.

The three of them also annihilated the beasts that didn't fought back at all.

When they arrived at the palace, they instinctively went to the court hall only to find the worst lunatic of all.

And even if his son did terrible things, a father is still a father. When he saw a dead body and a wide puddle of blood on the floor wearing royal family traditional clothing, he knew he lost another son and roared in rampage.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2023 ⏰

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