Chapter 29

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Everything is going more smoothly than expected. They are clearly winning. A week of fighting is actually a big discovery for them. They already covered half the territory of the Whole Tearmoon. They never would've expected it was this easy. It is making Alice think that all the time they spent in the King's study was all just a waste of time.

Going smoothly don't mean they are all okay. Many warriors on their side already lost their lives, proud to serve Artesia until the end. Many warriors lost a limb or two. Thankfully, they have more than enough skilled medical personnels to minimize the damages.

Thanks to the dwarves and elves' modern inventions, they can beat down what they taught was the hardest to deal with. They made special guns for the fake shadows. It's is like a paint ball gun and it's bullets contains concentrated light magic that explodes and sucks shadows in a meter radius. They also made bombs with similar effects but longer radius. It have a disadvantage that can also be their advantage. It is lets out a bright flash of light blinding anyone not wearing the dwarves' earpiece. Amazing technology. The disadvantage part, their allies inside the territory like Silvermoon pack still don't have the earpieces. So they have to be cautious in using them.

The wild ones are hard to take down. It takes a lot of bullets or tranquilizer darts to take down one. But they can manage. They main problem is the Hunters Association that is taking advantage of the whole ordeal enjoying their kill. But not much of a problem since almost everyone holds grudge on them and each have the deep desire to tear the self righteous hunters the most painful way possible.

There is only 4 packs left to bring down including Redfang and the Royal palace. But the two other's are also hard to infiltrate. They have very sturdy magic barriers because they are the biggest cities in Teamoon. They needed a different approach.

Though they are winning, everyone is still tensed and and most can't sleep a wink. Alice is one of them. She is very tired and she already look like an undead zombie but she couldn't sleep or rest her mind. Working in the communication tower both worn her out and cheer her up.

They receives all orders from the King in the frontlines and relays to the leaders. And they relay messages from leaders to leaders. They relay massages for everyone. They are also the eyes for the ones fighting.

Alice activated all the cameras in Tearmoon and inside the tower by the map they have, only Alice can use the map so she is assigned to manage the footages. It is a tiring job since there is too many to look at not only thousands of cameras they have to watch and inform the King what they see.
The fatigue and tired feelings lightening up after a successful attack. And she could watch her husband tired but still alive. She would rather watch him and make sure he is okay everywhere he goes than to sleep.

Alexa would have to force her to sleep by pushing a point at her nape.

Alice rubbed her still sleepy eyes. She cursed and thanked Alexa in her mind for letting her sleep. She immediately took her phone and video called her kids like they always do everytime she is free.

They answered immediately.

"Mom! We miss you! We love you!" They answered in unison, all three of them. She bet Berry is holding the tablet on the other side so they won't end up destroying it like what they did to their phones when they fought for it while they are on call.

She chuckled and forced herself to keep her tears from falling. "I love you too babies. I missed you guys so much. Wait I'll just conference your dad." Then she added him in the call. He answered but his camera is off. She cannot help but worry. She kept quiet and decided to ask later.

"Hi guys. How are you doing?" His voice never fail to send shivers in her spine even after so many years of being together.

"Dada!" The three exclaimed. They began talking animatedly and tons of I love you's and I miss you's. They talk like how they talk when they are together. They don't stop.

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