chapter seventeen~ The last one

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(Lana pov)
I was sitting down, talking to Emilie, when we heard a soft knock on the door. "Come in y/n" I said, watching as it creaked open. "How did you know it was me?" She asked, running over.

"I always know" I said, wich made her smile. "How was your appointment with mrya?" Emilie mumbled, collecting her papers together. "It was ok, I guess" Y/n shrugged her shoulders, taking a seat on the couch.

"I'm going to take that as a no" I sighed, rubbing her back gently. That's when Emilie got up, and headed towards the front door. "Alright then, I'll see you both on monday" She said.

"What's happening monday?" Y/n asked, spinning round to me. "Emilies going to start tutoring you" I explained. "But, we can discuss that later, I want to know exactly what happened with your social worker"

"I told you, it was fine" She lied. "Tell me the truth y/n" I said, sternly this time. "Fine, she kept asking me stupid questions. And bringing up my birth parents, who are the last people I want to talk about"

I felt bad, I knew how hard this was for her. "Shes just tryin to do what's best for you, I think. But if it makes you uncomfortable, than I can always talk to her" I said. That was when my daughter said something I shall never forget.

"What I mean is, I want to talk about it, about everything. But not with her. With you" y/n whispered. A smile appeared across my face, one I couldn't get rid of. "I love you y/n, and I'm always here for you"

She snuggled up close, wiping away the tears. "Why did he do it?" She asked me. "Do what, who?" "My dad, why was he like he was?" I sighed, landing a kiss on her forehead.

"Sometimes, when people start drinking, it makes them go crazy. They do wrong things, not thinking of the conciqueses" I said, trying my best to explain it all to her.

"But don't worry y/n, you'll always have me. And I promise. I will never hurt you, leave you, yell at you. I will never put you in danger. Becasue you are my daughter, and I love you more than anything else in the entire world"

"And we lived happily ever after?" she said. I nodded. "Yes, yes we will"
I have chosen to end this story
Mainly because I am out of ideas.
In the future I may continue to add to it, but theres alot going on in my life rn

Thankyou for all the support, I really appreciate it.
:) peace out xxx jes

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