Chapter 11

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The best among you are those who have the best manners and character. - prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam ( peace be upon him )

If you haven't prayed your Salah please pray this book can wait but your Salah can't .

Amira Sultan p.o.v

I slammed my door and shut in anger , I was so angry right now .

How dare he !

How can he humiliate me like that , I AM HIS WIFE….

And then he married me when he was roaming around with his girlfriend .

I felt hot tears burning inside my eyes . I sat on the edge of the bed .

I didn't dream this , I never wanted this … how am I going to go through this humiliation everyday .

I never wanted a husband like him , I wanted to scream why , why , why but instead I started repeating Alhamdulillah again and again .

I reminded myself this is a test and I shall remain patient .

" Verily with every hardship there is an ease " I tried to remind myself of what Allah (s.w.t) promised in the Qur'an .

A human being can break his promise but Allah , the almighty will never break his promises.

I need to have faith , I need to be patient .

Wiping my tears I laid on my bed opening Instagram to divert my mind .

I was scrolling islamic post when one post catch my attention

" And do not insult one another and call each other with offensive names " Al Quran 49:11

I sat up gasping …. Closing my eyes is what I have done downstairs .

She insulted me and I insulted her back ….  I insulted her back . oh no! I shouldn't have .

But she insulted me first .. my subconscious said or you can say the devil whispered in my ear .

" No, " I argued standing up .

" No matter what other people say or do , I shouldn't have disobeyed my lord . Indeed I have done wrong " guilt started overwhelming my chest .

" I need to seek forgiveness right now, " I said with determination .

No matter how many sins you commit in life , no matter how many times you wrong yourself despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful .

After I sought forgiveness , I went outside my room. I felt a little hungry since I hadn't done my breakfast properly .

I forgot the route of the kitchen yet again finally after a while I found it .

I guess nobody is here. It's a good thing , I didn't want to face anyone, let alone him.

I opened the fridge to see if I could have anything to eat. There were lots of things but I chose to drink orange juice .

I was pouring glass when I heard heavy footsteps behind me , I looked around to see Khalid wearing only his shorts . I quickly turn around feeling my cheeks heat up .

"Shameless "  I muttered feeling irritated .

I felt him open the fridge , even though my subconscious scolded me like a teacher but my eyes sideways stole a glance of his way . I couldn't help but notice every detail , I tried my best to look away but everytime my eyes betrayed me . He is handsome without a doubt . I have never looked at a man before , I always lower my gaze but since he is my husband and halal for me , my eyes do not listen to my command . 

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