Chapter 22

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“Patience is a cure for everything. Make dua. ALLAH hears you. Have patience and He will answer at the right time.”

If you haven't prayed then please pray this book can wait but your Salah Can't 

Amira Sultan p.o.v 

I turn to my right first to offer salam then left …. Raising my hand in front of my lord of the word , Allah s.w.t.

I cried , I cried like there is no tomorrow . As much as I tried to be normal , happy all day but the moment I stood in front of my lord , all the pain , all the misery , all the negative thoughts bothering my mind and heart came out all at once . I tell each and everything that is bothering me , one thing I realised in life , there is no one but Allah s.w.t who hears you and knows all the pain you are hiding inside your heart . If you cry in front of someone else no matter how dear they are to you , they will just give you sympathy but Allah , the almighty healer of every heart , will not just hear you but heal your broken heart and replace it with peace , hope and strength to survive difficulty . Once in my life when I didn't realise the power of my lord , I always use to drown in my sorrow losing all my hope but once Al Hadi ( the guider) guided me to Islam made me realised the power of sujood, there was so going back , no matter how difficult life gets for me I know Allah s.w.t is there and there is hope that one day , one day he will give me so much that I will be satisfied . 

It gives me hope to fight the situation and never give up no matter what .

Taking a deep breath , I knocked on the door while my heart started taking its speed .

" Come in " his deep authority voice spoke behind the door .

Taking a deep breath again , I enter inside .

" Assalamualaikum " I greeted him with my charming smile but as usual mr. Rude didn't reply but one day I opened the door to Insha Allah .

" What " he was sitting on his single couch with a laptop on his lap typing something really fast .

" I um… " I twisted my fingers nervously .

" If you are going to take all day then wait outside and prepare your speech " he didn't even bother to look up .

My eyebrows creased at his words 

Never mind …

" Can I go outside , I will be back soon " I bite my lip knowing very well that he will refuse but at least I tried .

" Fine " 

" I promise I will- wait did you say fine " I raised my eyebrows. I was surprised .

" Yeah , just take the driver with you " he was looking at the screen and really focused .

" Really " I clasp my hand jumping happily .

" Get lost " 

" Okay …."  I was about to turn when my good for nothing brain indicated my mouth to speak .

" Why are you letting me go so easily??" 

" What if I ran away? " I cross my arm, raising my one eyebrow.

With a frustrated sigh , he finally looked up " are you putting an idea in my mind not to let you go " he gritted out .

I gasp " no … no .. no… no.. '' 

" Just curious " I giggle awkwardly .

But watching him seriously , my smile faded. " don't worry I will throw myself out " I turned to go but I think I saw his lip twitch but I didn't dare to turn .

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