chapter 50

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Difficult road leads to a beautiful destination …..

Third person p.o.v

" Khalid woke up !" Maryam yelled, picking up shattered clothes from the floor .

" Khalid I swear by Allah I am going to throw water on you " Maryam threatened .

" Umm.. '' his voice again faded in deep sleep .

" It's time for fajr , wake up " she shouted .

" Just -" he showed 5 finger which mean 5 minutes 

Maryam took a deep breath , she went downstairs, took a chilled water bottle from the fridge , and went back upstairs again .

" Woah… ammi .. what the -'' Khalid jerk up straight ..

" AMMI !" Khalid wiped his face, his clothes are soaked in water now .

" It's chilled, " he gasped dramatically .

" And hell fire is hot " His mother snapped .

'' Get up, do wudu and pray, " she ordered .

Khalid was annoyed , removing the blanket irritated by his mother's behaviour " you cannot force someone to pray '' he muttered angrily .

His mother was about to go outside but stopped at the doorway " remember when I used to force you to go school ??" 

" Yeah so " 

" You don't complain now, " his mother asked .

" Yeah… because that's for my future , you didn't want me to fail in life " Khalid replied not realising why his mother was asking questions about childhood .

" Yeah son , and now I am forcing you because I don't want you to fail in the afterlife " her reply made him stunned .

" Just like you are realising why I forced you to go school , one day you will realise why I forced you to pray " with which he walked away .

Khalid became silent , understanding his mother's words yet something inside him kept whispering otherwise .

Only if he knew that was shaitan ….

" Assalamualaikum ( may peace be upon you) " Rabiya entered with something in her hand .

" Walekum Assalam aunty " Sayra greeted her by getting up from her stool .

" Ahh… " Sayra gasp " again you made something for me " she got excited like a child .

Before she could reach it Rabiya moved the dish away " it's not for you " her face fell .

" Yes , because it's for me " they heard Khalid's voice from the stairs .

Who had an arrogant smile on his face , teasing her sister " Rabiya Aunty made this for me " he put hand around her shoulder jokingly while Sayra scowl his way .

Rabiya removed his hand effortlessly with one push by her shoulder .

" Neither it's for you nor for you " she looked at Khalid then Sayra .

They both glanced at each other then shrugged " then for who " they said in union .

" For me " 7 year old Ibrahim ran past her mother then hugged Rabiya .

" Yes it's for my prince " Rabiya hugged little Ibrahim kissing his cheek .

" But what is it? " Khalid tried to peep but Rabiya slapped his hand .

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