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Y/n pov.

I entered the school after Scarlett dropped me off. Yesterday we just watched movies and chilled. I had a great time, maybe Scarlett being my new mom won't be so bad. 

I started heading to my first class, Algebra 2. It sucks, who wants to do math first thing in the morning, I know I don't. What's worse is that since I am sooooo smart, I am in honors. I don't remember signing up for that class, but oh well. At least I am not in any classes with idiots. 

Today we had a test. Last week we had as review and I'm pretty confident I'll do well on it. Waiting for the teacher to get into the classroom, I over heard some people talking about Scarlett. They were talking about the pictures taken last Saturday. Ha, Scarlett's going to be so mad. 

Finally Ms. Matthews entered the room. She's super nice and and she always gives me candy. After morning announcements, she handed out our test and said we could begin. The first couple questions were easy, just simple algebra equations. What stumped me was the word problems. I swear, every time there is a word problem I get it wrong. I raised my hand and Ms. Matthews came over. 

"Yes y/n, is there anything I can help with?"

"I was wondering if you could maybe explain this word problem to me, I get some of it but the rest of it makes no sense." (I am a lazy bitch so I'm not going to try and find a problem to explain)  After Ms. Matthews explained the problem to me I thanked her and continued to work on the last problems. Once I was finished, I went to turn it in. "I'm finished. Is there anything else I can do?"

"I don't think you have any missing work so you are done for today. If there is anything you have to for other classes you can do that."

"I'm all caught up in my other classes though. I guess I'll just wait for next class." I turned to walk away. 

"You can help me grade papers if you want. I'll give you extra credit." After thinking about her offer, I decided to help. It was pretty easy all I had to do was put a check or an x mark and then say how many they got of 20. 


It was lunch time, so I wen to the cafeteria. After algebra I had reading. We just were reading a poem I think by Edgar Allan Poe. After getting my lunch from the line, I made my way to Jacob's table. I was surprised that I didn't see him earlier, not that I was complaining, but it made me nervous. I sat at the table he usually sits at with his dumbass friends. One by one they joined. I didn't see Jacob yet, so I decided to ask Isaiah where he was. 

"Hey Isaiah, where's Jacob?"

"He's not here today, apparently he was sick or something like that. I don't really know. Why?"

"Oh nothing, I was just wondering because I hadn't seen him today. " Since Jacob wasn't here I decided to go and eat outside. It was pretty warm out so it seemed like the best decision. Better than sitting with these people that I don't even know. 

Making my way outside I noticed that was no free tables. There was a table where one girl so by herself so I made my way over. "Can I sit here?" She looked up at me, seeming to be shocked that I was talking to her. 

"Um yeah, sure." I sat down and began to eat what the school system considers as food. "Is this a prank or something?"

I look up confused. "What?"

"You sitting with me, is it a prank? Did someone put you up to this?"

"No. I don't even know you. I just somewhere to sit. I can go if I'm bothering you or something." She seemed to study for a moment. 

"No it's fine, you can stay. Sorry I acted like that. People don't really talk to me or sit with me. I'm sorta of a loner, people are annoying."

"I agree people are definitely annoying. I'm y/n by the way."



I was waiting for the final bell to ring for dismissal. Turns out me and Sydney  have two classes together, criminal justice and chemistry. After what happened at lunch we started talking. She seems pretty nice and she's not like most of the other kids at school. Scarlett should be proud that I'm making an effort to know new people. 

The final bell rings, I say bye to Sydney and start my walk home. I wonder what Scarlett's reaction was to the pictures.

Hey, short chapter, more like a filler chapter. I have maybe an idea for what I want to do next but I don't know. We will see how it goes. What do we think about Sydney, should she stay a friend or become more? I was going to maybe put another celebrity as a love interest for y/n, but I also think I would suck at trying to write "romance". If I do write y/n as ending up in a relationship, the details might be very vague. Also, don't forget to keep putting out suggestions and stuff. I am writing this for fun and also for the hope of making you guys happy so yeah. Thx for reading.

-Victoria :)

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